I recently Watch Total Drama Island, and...
Yep, Renarian as Duncney 😅👉👈💜💙💚
Well, Varian in a lot of Aus, is a Emo, so Duncan was the perfect option for him, for my TDL Au
Fun fact: fact: In episode 6, in the dubbing in Spanish (I don't know if it says it the same in English), in the part when everyone wakes up after the camp, Duncan says to courtney: "Buenos dias,Florecita", and it so happens that that's the nickname Varian gives Renee in my fanfic 😂
Edit: Duncan in English say: "Morning, Sunshine", and that's the nickname that Eugene refers to Rapunzel as a form of affection,
If this Au was Varipunzel, Varian would continue with his references with the girls 😂😂😂