I am glad that the state wide leadership has noticed my enthusiasm for California to become sovereign from voters who lack the maturity and discipline to discriminate change from throwing a Molotov cocktail at the United States federal government. They may deserve to endure thier folly being governed by Donald Trump as President of The United States, but California does not.
To my best knowlege, San Diego's participation is new to the California National Party. To borrow a phrase from the U.S. Navy (sic), that would make us plank holders in this endevor. There is plenty of work for us to do, but I want to do it with consent of the CNP members in San Diego: I invite everyone in San Diego in support of an independent California republic to ask questions, dissent or discuss my appointment and goals in the comment section below this blog post.
I do see my position becoming subordinate to a county wide organization following the incumbent model of how political parties are prescribed to operate by state law. We will have to set up county-wide officers, have regular meetings and perform regular functions like any other political party recognized by the California Secretary of State. That's not what I say is best for the CNP locally, it is a matter of law.
To start with, I propose that the following be the two goals for San Diego:
Voter Registration The CNP has to be a either a printed choice on a voter registration form or a pull-down option on the on-line registration form. We must get 50,000 of us counted by the Secrectary of State.
Multi-Lingual Presentations to People in Our Community Nuestro condad tiene mas migrantes como residentes que la mayoría de los otros condados. El pluralismo es el futuro por California. Tenemos que invitir y educar todos en el pueblo que todos residentes tienen que participar en ese movimiento por formar un republica donde ellos pueden obtener derechos y ciudadanía a diferencia de Los EUA que tiene un sistema de negligencia en lugar de un sistema funcional y humanitario de imigración. Tenemos que communicar con el pueblo en muchas lenguas; tendremos que contratar a muchas personas con habilidades lingüísticas.
I have come to believe that effective activism occurs when many are willing to inconvenience themselves for a goal. I ask you to inconvenience yourself for a long time. I ask you to live inside your commitment, to remember what you saw or realized about the United States that brought you to us over-and-over until we are independent of the USA.
Let us begin.