I cannot fathom how sentient creatures persist in fighting something that was made law 3 - 4 years ago.
it is point and laugh at Karl Rove time
When will people stop with the puffery about it being extremist or insulting to compare tactics of the German Third Reich with those of American Conservatives?
I can't find it in a web search, but I have heard that publicly exposing a federal agent (which Plame was with the CIA or a FBI agent is), is a felony - something I didn't hear much about when Plame was outed.
It's disappointing that KCBS/KCAL doesn't make their videos embeddable...so open that link and dig around on the right side for the video. Considering all that Rove has perpetrated as a conspirator against our nation, he'd better call charges against him fabrications: I imagine cells in The Hague are bare with windows to see rainstorms only.
Compared to a trial, I'd say him getting off being shouted at is light in comparison. I had to link this, too: “Karl Rove asking for civility is like Hannibal Lecter asking for the vegetarian plate.”
4 Apr. 2010
- Rove got off easier a couple days later in La Jolla
- Faux News' Megyn Kelly dishes out saccharine propriety and indignation.