its forever missing the twins time again :(
this is all I’m talking about until halloween sorry i don’t make the rules
John Grade: 'Reservoir' (2018) a rainwater collecting installation resembling a giant forest chandelier. location: Arte Sella Sculpture Park, Borgo Valsugana, Trento, Italy.
if anything else happens to me i’m not enduring it. somebody else do that
if anything else happens to me i’m not enduring it. somebody else do that
if anything else happens to me i’m not enduring it. somebody else do that
if anything else happens to me i’m not enduring it. somebody else do that
if anything else happens to me i’m not enduring it. somebody else do that
if anything else happens to me i’m not enduring it. somebody else do that
if anything else happens to me i’m not enduring it. somebody else do that
if anything else happens to me i’m not enduring it. somebody else do that
if anything else happens to me i’m not enduring it. somebody else do that
if anything else happens to me i’m not enduring it. somebody else do that
i'm about to write a crispr plasmoid that's SO unethical you guys
the next level scifi version of the person that put the code to drop table on their car by their license plate so the plate reader broke