Hubble Views Final Stages of a Star’s Life : NGC 5307, a planetary nebula that lies about 10,000 light-years from Earth, can be seen in the constellation Centaurus. (via NASA)
ZENDAYA by Jack Davison — W: The Director’s Issue
Henry Cavill as August Walker in Mission: Impossible – Fallout (2018)
Jamie Dornan photographed by Charlotte Hadden for The New York Times.
reaching out for advice as I'm not really sure what to do, I'm wondering if anyone has been in a situation like this before...
so my flatmate is in a relationship and has been for a few months with this guy. he's been over so much recently. to the point where I've started recording how much he's here. currently he's slept over 5 nights in a row, not counting how much he's been here during the day.
bills haven't gone up, but it's his constant being here, me feeling that I can't relax in my home because I know he's a) here, b) going to be here, c) will be here at any moment, d) at the flat alone without my knowledge and my flatmate hasn't told me (this happened Friday, I had a day off work and came home to find him in the living room with his feet up watching tv when the flat was empty).
what I'm trying to say is if there's a way I can approach this calmly as my flatmate can be quite volatile and precious/calculating. we have a 3rd roommate, I think they're closer tbh, so she's played it very well. it's not about money, really, although I would appreciate if he contributed money now since he basically lives here - he uses wifi, gas, electricity, my fucking patience to an inch of its short life. don't even get me started on the fact he doesn't tidy up. and he's insanely condescending and talks until the cows come home.
anyway, basically I work hard, I commute, I want to come back to a space that's mine. not a couple's and I'm just on the outskirts of their life and have to move my schedule to fit theirs. any advice, I would appreciate. I am aware I need to be cautious with this, and tread carefully. would there be something about partners in a flat renting contract?
I'm actually sick of my flatmates boyfrienddddddddd he's here all the fucking time and I'm sick of itttttttttttttt