@diagnosed-crazy on Tumblr

Things I Make

@diagnosed-crazy /

I make art, but this blog has mostly become reblogs. she/her (but honestly use whatever because I don't care). come bask in the strangeness of my interests

cruelty is so easy. youre not special for choosing it


"The trouble is that we have a bad habit, encouraged by pedants and sophisticates, of considering happiness as something rather stupid. Only pain is intellectual, only evil interesting. This is the treason of the artist; a refusal to admit the banality of evil and the terrible boredom of pain."

-Ursula K. LeGuin, The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas


"Evil is boring. Right? I kinda believe in the banality and mundaneness of evil. Evil is just selfish impulses, which at the end of the day are really easy to understand. It’s easy to understand why people do bad things. It’s like “yeah, ok, you’re selfish and scared and cruel, I get it”. Being good is complex and beautiful and hard." - Brennan Lee Mulligan

“Imaginary evil is romantic and varied; real evil is gloomy, monotonous, barren, boring. Imaginary good is boring; real good is always new, marvelous, intoxicating.”

- Simone Weil


"Many people seem to think it foolish, even superstitious, to believe that the world could still change for the better. And it is true that in winter it is sometimes so bitingly cold that one is tempted to say, ‘What do I care if there is a summer; its warmth is no help to me now.’ Yes, evil often seems to surpass good. But then, in spite of us, and without our permission, there comes at last an end to the bitter frosts. One morning the wind turns, and there is a thaw. And so I must still have hope."

- Vincent van Gogh

Your perfect painting quiz.

[ Take the quiz and tag five people. ]

This was fun! Thank you so much for the tag @spacelesbiandisasterii 🥰

yaaay! thanks for tagging me @jedimasterbailey !!

i got the freaking last supper but the descriptor words are epic, i love doing these quizzes!


thanks for the tag @bluedeedeedoop!

I adore all of these - I actually just got done writing a paper on Monet lol

thank you for tagging me @eightbitpale !!

i think this makes me sound more put together than i actually am most of time lol. though i love a little creature <3

Thank you @friendlyneighbourhoodelf this was a fun and interesting quiz!

This annoys me greatly (I don't particularly like puntinism)

Funny thing about this is that I have the top painting saved lol

Tags -

Tagging anyone who wants to play!

The 'Lady with an Ermine' painting is *highly* relatable! XD

@thiamsxbitch @idontevenknowhowtolife I think you'd both enjoy this!


tagging non-committally and super duper suave-like, as per usually: @fruchtfliege @ksbbb @slimeyslimeyballsack @neonbeanbagz @songbird-orpheus

Open tag for whoever wants to do it.


happy holidays all. I won’t be silent about what i saw today, December 8 at 10:06am on I-74 West.

It's all coming together now.

Santa doesn't just work one night a year. He spends 364 days of the year transporting finished goods to different storage locations so that when the time comes, it's feasible to do all the work on one night because everything has already been transported.

And then there are elves that can be at the storage location to move things. It isn't just one person doing the job and it isn't all done at once. This is big. This is revolutionary evidence.


theres bikes around the city you can rent but you have to use an app that needs your drivers license. theres buses that drive right to your destination, but if you dont have change you need the app. you can wash your car here if you sign into the app. you can go to the bathroom here you just have to unlock it with the app that needs your location on. you can order at this restaurant if you scan the code and download the app. im losing my freaking mind


I got my phone and wallet stolen once and the amount of things I couldn’t fucking do without The App was bonkers. I couldn’t order an Uber or the bus home because no phone or wallet, so I had to walk home based on directions written on a sticky note. I couldn’t do my laundry even though I had change in my apartment because my building’s laundry machines required The App. I couldn’t log into my school email because my school’s email requires two factor authentication and will ONLY take a phone number, not another email address. I had a hard as fuck time getting new cards set up with my bank because in order to do that I needed to log into The App. I couldn’t get any packages that were delivered to me because my building’s locker system was app based. So on and so forth.

We should not have this fucking single point of failure like this.

This. But also, I should not be forced to make an account to access your website or use your app.


Tag Game

what is your DOH (drink outfit hyperfixation) or DOB (drink outfit book) of the day? i also accept DOHBF (drink outfit hyperfixation book fanfic/fanwork). the F can be something you’re working on yourself or that you’re reading/engaging with.

Drink: Black Cherry Kickstart

Outfit: Softball Sweater and black leggings


Book: ‘Thirteen Storeys’ by Jonathan Sims (11/10 reads like statements and I’m so happy about it :)))

Fanfic: ‘Liam Dunbar Runs Into an Old Enemy and Finds Loathing’ by Dr_Rigatoni (if my friends have no fic fans I am dead)

Tag: @diagnosed-crazy @maikka this is an open tag btw :) join if you wish!!

Drink: A coffee drink with caramel? Or the original Pitch Black Mountain Dew.

Outfit: A nice comfy sweater, jeans, and boots.

Hyperfixation: Recently, stomatopods. They're pretty cool.

Book: I have read quite a few books recently, but none of them have stayed within my mind like the Wolves of the Beyond series from when I was in middle school. Love those books.

Fanfic: I have a few that I love, but I will put 2 here: 'If You Only Knew, You'd Hate Me' by Dr_Rigatoni and 'Plaits and Weaves' by ArgentAconit

Open tag because I never know who to put on these things.


why is bob short for robert

how does one get ‘billy’ out of ‘william’?


How in hell do you get “Dick” from “Richard”?

you ask him nicely

you ask him nicely


There’s a kid in my class named Richard Hunter


Dick Hunter


I would like to add to this wonderful post by saying my father went to school with a family whose last name was Head. The oldest boy boy had to deal with people giving him shit saying, "Is your middle name Giving?"

Unfortunately, his younger brother's name was Richard. My father went to school with a man named Dick Head.


I don’t know how many boys follow me, but I gotta bet there’s some. I just wanna tell y’all to be careful.

Abusive girls exist and what they’re doing is seen as like “badass tough don’t take no shit” but your girl should not hit you. Ever.

She should not demand for you to hand over your phone to look through.

She should not yell at you and humiliate you either alone or in front of people.

She shouldn’t make you distance yourself from your friends or family.

She shouldn’t scratch you or twist your arms.

She should not call you names.

She shouldn’t tell you ‘she’ll kill herself if you break up’

These are just a few examples of abuse and it’s just seen as okay when girls do it and god knows I’ve fallen victim to it a few times, but you shouldn’t have to.

Never worry about not being in a relationship. If they’re worth it, they won’t hurt you.

No one has the right to hurt you.

I wish someone had told me that these things are actually abuse. I would have been able to escape my ex so much sooner. Reblogging to help other people in similar situations


My stepmom was extremely abusive to my dad, using these tactics

It was dismissed by others as her “being a strong and independent woman”

For the love of God don’t take this shit. Break it off immediately

Please also understand that women can also be financially abusive. If someone is constantly try to control how you spend your money or is controlling you by withholding money, that is also abusive in a relationship.

I love both of my parents dearly, but my mom was financially abusive to my father when they were married. He was the one with the job, but he trusted my mother to do all the things finance related. My mother wouldn't talk to him about what she was doing with the money, would regularly hide things and misrepresent them to my father, and would make him feel like he was bad at supporting the family with this control.

Anyone who makes you feel like you are less human or less important than them or who makes you feel unsafe about being around them is not someone you need or want in your life.

Anyone can be abusive. Please be safe and take care or yourselves.

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