fall cat meetup
Snuggling in bed with kittehs is one of the best things in life (Sorry Conan the Barbarian, maybe you can add this to your list?).
“Conan, What is best in life?”
“To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women”.
And to snuggle with kittens. 👍
love when you stop a cat from doing something and instead of understanding that they shouldnt be doing that theyre just like. ah sorry my good sir you seem to have interrupted me. no worries let me just shimmy past you and get a taste of that pan of hot oil. please.
Critical part of pet ownership is figuring out what sort of hard petting they go buckwild for
petting someone else's pet: what a sweet girl. i am very gently stroking the top 7 furs on the tip of her head
petting your own pet: basically, she likes to be a bongo drum, like this
cats dont even know how baby they are. they probably think theyre wise and dangerous and respectable but theyre actually little baby guys. we know this. its obvious to us that theyre small and baby. but they dont know
Hey friend your turn 😹