Gladnis Parenting Fic - New Chapters
So like, I was having writer’s block on the second half of this fic for almost two months, and I finally realized that if I added a romance into the mix, I could inspire myself to write, and sure enough. I decided to ship Ardyn/Aranea because I thought it would provide comedy and it would be kinda interesting to pair such opposites. I looked today to see how many fics there are of that ship, and there are FIVE, and like...
At least it’s more than Leon/Demyx, for which I have written 2 of 4 existing fics. All I can say is I’m glad I also like ships other people actually enjoy on occasion or writing would be a depressing affair. 🙈
But here’s my thing, like what do I *name* this ship? In my head, I’m like, well, you could technically say that Aranea IS a compilation of their two names, and I’m pretty sure Aranea herself would argue that 😂, but I kind of like Araneadyn, because it sounds like the name of a spider.
Please excuse this horribly long tangent. If I MUST get back on topic, there are at least a couple new chapters since I posted last. XD