What the crib?! Finally!!
I know how you feel- I sometimes ignore things in game for a while until someone kicks me up the bum! I'm pretty sure that it's going to be a mod issue so testing them in batches sounds like a good plan. Fingers crossed you figure it out! Keep me posted!
I feel so silly for not updating a mod for 4 YEARS! I can’t believe I didn’t see the post where Blue actually mentioned the crib glitch, someone reported it on NRaas apparently. How did I miss that??
Actually, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was me and I just forgot LOL
It’s all based on this one part of the GameObject xml:
<kAutonomyMultiplierForObjectSelectionWhenInUse value="0.1">
<!--When object is in use, autonomy will multiply the score to pick this object by this factor. Positive float between 0 (do not pick object in use) and 1 (object in use should not effect autonomy).-->
EA Original Value: 0.2
‘It was reported to me over at the NRaas site that this mod caused problems when a sim was trying to do an interaction with a baby that was in a crib. In order to do an interaction with a baby that was in a crib, you would first have to have the sim "hold" the baby and then you could do the interactions. Through testing, I found the problem that was causing it and fixed it....’
That’s exactly what I was dealing with for 4 years! lol
The original mod had the value of ‘0′, so Blue changed it to ‘0.1′ :)
I’m just happy I can finally have cots in my game, and still keep the mod because it does make sims choose better chairs to sit in. It’s just so odd that it was this particular mod that was the problem, because it’s not so obvious. Thanks to @mspoodle1 for mentioning a possible routing mod because otherwise I would never have paid any attention to it lol.
Thank you Nina for your help, you are a sweetheart! 🖤