Yellow means feminine. A yellow ribbon in her hair, a big yellow bracelet, a yellow skirt, a yellow belt around her robes. It means feminine and she/her and Luna.
Orange means agender. An orange earring of her own creation, an orange necklace, an orange hat or shoe buckle. It means neutrality and they/them and Luna.
Green is masculine. A green robe, green buttons down her shirt, a green streak running through long, blonde hair. It means masculine and he/him and Apollo.
Luna doesn’t need specific symbols for the quoiromanticism or asexuality that are also a part of her like she does for how to refer to her, but she enjoys them nonetheless. Brilliant hues of purple, green, and blue complimented by black, white, and gray are found upon many things Luna owns. Shirts, robes, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, rings, flags, broaches, socks, wall art, paintings, wand holsters, mirror and picture frames, wand holder covers, and more. Her absolute favorite pride piece is the mural all of her friends have helped her to paint, though.
It covers the entire ceiling of his bedroom. The background is a sizzling mixture of purple, blue, green, white, and black all swirling together. Apollo and all of his friends painted some representation of their friendship. The ceiling is graced with lions, eagles, different visions of nargles, an ouroboros, radishes, and hearts courtesy of Neville, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, and Ron. It is, of course, completed by Apollo’s addition of painting all of their faces together. Hermione and Ginny actually found the quote, which encircles the edge of the mirror, for him. “A true friend is someone who will always love you — the imperfect, the confused, the wrong you — because that is what people are supposed to do.” by someone they only knew as RJL. But Apollo’s favorite part of the mural is everybody’s signature, big and bold, by their contribution.
Every night that Luna falls asleep under it brings only sweet dreams and comfort.