#astrid becke – @demenior on Tumblr

An Undirected Mind

@demenior /

A big blue nerfherder. I draw, I write, I read and I reblog a lot of stuff. Please drop in to say hello!

Happy wip Wednesday! It's Volstrucker date night and the wizard hubris is real. Eadwulf made dinner, but Astrid was late (work) and they're both being a little cranky about it.


Eadwulf drops the lid of the pot onto the counter with a loud bang that startles Astrid out of her thoughts. He wipes at his robe, and races to his sink for a cloth. All the while grumbling curses in their native Zemnian.

“How was work?” Astrid asks. If he's going to be in a mood, at least she can be civil.

“Fine,” he calls back. His focus is entirely on the stain on his robe.

“I think you’re making it worse,” she calls, “that’s not going to fix it.”

“I wasn’t expecting to do housecleaning today.”

Astrid rolls her eyes. Prestidigitation was created for a reason. Why he insists on being armed with useless cantrips is beyond her.

She pushes herself to her feet and makes her way to Eadwulf’s side.

“So that’s why you used the oven for warming dinner,” she muses.

She hands him her wine so that he has to get his hands out of her way. She traces her finger around the stain as she removes it, “you really didn’t have to go to all of this trouble.”

“If I didn’t, you would be eating honeycakes by the pound, or nothing at all.”

Astrid’s face flushes. He snuck up on her once, and now he’ll never let it go.

Eadwulf takes a sip of her wine. It doesn’t hide his smile, “besides, how will anything get done if the Archmage of Civil Influence starves to death?”

“Nothing would get done,” she groans, “I could vanish for weeks, and they’d still be having the same arguments.”

Eadwulf passes the wine back, “save it for dinner. It’ll take a minute to plate.”

“I can serve myself.”

His hands always seem impossibly large on her shoulders. She lets him push her away.

“Sit,” he orders. As if he’s her Master.

She snaps her fingers to put out his cigar. It’s a cantrip! Why would he not have it prepared every day?

This probably means he lit his cigar by hand. Or maybe with his stupid electricity. Like some commoner.

Eadwulf plucks his cigar from his mouth to inspect it.

“I don’t want the ash in my food,” she says.

He blows a last puff of smoke out of his nose. But he sets the cigar aside.


Happy wip Wednesday I'm working on a date night one shot:

Eadwulf rounds the corner to the entry hall, dressed in his evening clothes, silk robe and slippers included, with a half-smoked cigar between his teeth. He holds out his hand before he reaches her. Astrid hands him her cloak, and he gives it a firm snap to dislodge the snowmelt on it before hanging it to dry.

“You’re late,” he says as greeting.

“Work,” she explains.

Even with the walk through all of the carpets in the halls to his apartment, her boots are still wet. She braces against the wall to lean down to untie them.

“Sit,” Eadwulf growls. When she doesn’t reply, he gives her a shove to the bench below her. Astrid doesn’t dignify him with a complaint, but does make sure to plant her wet boot in his lap when he crouches to untie her boots. He hands her his cigar while he works and she smokes it to keep it warm for him.

“You should have heard Ludinus today,” she groans, “grandstanding like we had all the time in the world to listen to him, as if the rest of us don’t have important things to do.”

Eadwulf grunts to show he’s listening.

“And when he’d finally stop talking, Uludan would ask him more questions. He’s a fucking idiot and once I figure out why anyone wants him there, I’m going to rip up that connection with my bare hands. I’ll kill anyone to get him out of that seat.”

She frowns at the slipper Eadwulf has put on her foot. It’s the satin pink fox-fur lined pair she was sure she’d thrown out.

“It’s cold,” Eadwulf says.

“I have socks,” she says.

Eadwulf’s grip on her ankle becomes a vice that she can’t kick off. He removes the slipper and tugs her sock off before returning the offending slipper to her feet.

She inhales deeply on his cigar to burn it out faster while he redresses her other foot.


look me in the eyeballs. astrid and caleb (imo wulf is a slightly different story but that's another post) are textually, canonically narrative foils. i think a better, less literary term-y way to put it is that they're variations on the same person. like. canonically. astrid is caleb if he didn't fail the training. caleb is astrid if she got out. they're like if you took one person and laid out two seperate options on how they would react to a major life-changing incident (hmm. i wonder what that might be in this context). astrid. caleb. they look at each other and see themselves. caleb is alright with this. astrid was holding on for her life for a little bit, trying not to lose her shit, because. he is who she would be if she was free and she figures that out during c2 yknow. caleb always knew that he was almost astrid so he just had to. like. look at this woman he loves dearly and fucking. wretchedly. and cope with the fact that 1. he loves her 2. she's awful 3. she could be so much better than she is 4. she's too far gone for that. but he's been coping for a long time, and she's not unreachable she's just. she's never gonna be him. meanwhile she has to grapple with the fact that she will never be as free as him- i don't know if she really wants to be, but he's proof that her life didn't need to go the way that it did and that's brutal. anyway. they're the same guy. it is so so important to consider that in relation to the dynamic they have going on. is this mic on



happy wip wednesday! this is not the Fealty au, but a secret, other story i've had kicking around in the dome for a while. i'm temporary calling it the 'Uk'otoa is Free' au.

two separate scenes. enjoy! --

Astrid paces the room while Eadwulf works. He sneaks glances in her direction. Her mouth is tight, lips pushed forward as if in a pout. Her gaze burns hot enough to light fires. The golds of her hair are alight with the dying sun, and he wants to commit the image to memory.

“Turn [the new assignment] down,” she announces, “you will tell Trent you cannot do this.”

Eadwulf drops his shirt, “and disobey?”

“They are calling the ‘ambassadors’ sacrifices,” Astrid draws out the word, “and you are a vital hand to the Empire! It is not disobedience to refuse to walk into obvious death!”

Eadwulf picks up his dropped shirt. He twists it in his hands. The king needs to send someone qualified at extracting information, who can also place themselves in a position to strike their enemies, with no fear of death. Volstrucker were made for this, or so Trent had explained to him.

Trent also told Eadwulf he was expendable, and a disappointment, following his return two weeks ago. He was foolish to have been caught. He let his fellow Volstrucker get captured. If she hasn’t been executed yet, she will be soon.

“I can tell them I am expecting, and you are the father,” Astrid tries.

“And what happens when you are not?”


when caleb is talking to the nein about his past before the dinner with trent, he tells them that in the time he spent under trent, astrid and wulf never wavered in their dedication or willingness. after rereading his origins comic, though, i think he’s wrong. i think there was a pretty significant period of time where eadwulf specifically was having doubts about what they were doing right in front of his eyes.

exhibit a: the bodies

this is the most subtle example of it, but it’s also the earliest and probably represents the very beginnings of whatever doubts were brewing in wulf’s mind.

in both of these instances, there’s a dead or unconscious body on the ground, and wulf is staring at it while bren talks to trent. it’s hard to tell where he’s looking in the second one, but a later frame makes it clear that he’s looking in the direction of a body.

in the first one particularly, he looks to me like he’s visibly upset — his face isn’t as stoic as the others, and his body language looks uncertain, not his usual crossed-arm stance.

these were the moments that first caught my eye. they brought up questions in my mind: what is he thinking? what’s going through his head as he looks at the people they just hurt?

exhibit b: the bath scene

this comes immediately after the second body, and is what confirmed in my mind that wulf definitely isn’t entirely on board with the things they’re being told to do.

he closes the door behind them and just stands with his fist against it. none of them look happy by any means, but it’s clear that he’s upset to a point where even bren and astrid, in the midst of their own feelings, look concerned and go to comfort him.

bren in particular takes a long moment with him before the two of them rejoin astrid. i’ll get into why that — and bren’s role in general — is significant in a moment.

exhibit c: the morning after

this is the most important point in all of this, and the significance of his reaction here really can’t be understated.

in this moment, trent has just drawn their attention to their “memories” of their parents defying the empire. these are, from their point of view, very real and undeniable memories. and yet, the reaction we see here from wulf is one of explicit and absolute rejection.

and he’s not just denying what trent wants him to believe — he’s angry. he’s standing up and slamming a hand on table and raising his voice. doubt has been simmering under the surface in him for a while now, and this is the moment that trent crosses a line. trent has presented something truly unthinkable to him and despite his own memories supporting it, he absolutely cannot believe it. on a very visceral level, he knows it can’t be right.

this moment is significant not only because it confirms beyond a shadow of a doubt that wulf is not completely sure of what they’re doing, but also because we literally never see another student of trent openly defy him like this, nor do we see any volstrucker do so.

let me repeat that: until caleb goes up against him with the nein, eadwulf is the only person we ever see look trent in the eye and say “you’re wrong.” even after all of campaign two, we never see someone actively working under him defy him that explicitly — it’s only caleb, who escaped his control, or people like the nein with no real connection to him. even when astrid acts against him, she does it very quietly and is clearly terrified of those actions being alluded to at the dinner. wulf is the only one we ever see who, while at trent’s mercy, dares to openly and completely reject him.

bringing his family into it was a step too far. at this point, wulf isn’t just struggling with what they’re being told — he’s absolutely not having it anymore.

so what gives?

we know that he ultimately believes trent enough to kill his parents, and is even the first of the three to do it, so how do we get to that level of agreement from such a powerful moment of anger and denial?

that’s where bren comes in.

looking back at that breakfast scene, we can also see how the other two react to their own memories coming to light.

astrid’s is one of betrayal. she’s confused and struggling to understand why they would do it, but she doesn’t deny it either.

bren’s, on the other hand, is one of defeat. he’s clearly upset, but he’s simultaneously totally certain that what they’re remembering is true. and of course he is — his memory has been impeccable his entire life. why would he start to question it now, even if he doesn’t want to believe what it’s telling him?

bottom line: while astrid clearly also struggles with it and may have her own doubts, though not as strong as wulf’s, bren takes it all in stride and never wavers.

and if there’s one thing we know about wulf, it’s that he trusts his people. throughout his scenes in campaign two, we see him looking to astrid for signs of what to do or say and deferring to her when he’s overwhelmed by or unsure of the situation at hand. when caleb takes his hand at the blooming grove, he follows, and when astrid takes his hand and leads him away, he follows her. where they go, he follows. he trusts them implicitly and he looks to them when he doesn’t know what the right call is.

so what is he going to do in that moment, when his own mind is telling him something that he absolutely can’t believe and he doesn’t know how to reconcile it? he looks to them for guidance.

astrid clearly isn’t in a place to offer much, and hasn’t been. she’s not as lost in doubt as he is, but she’s not certain enough to reassure him either. we can already see that in the bath scene — remember when i said it was significant that bren is the one to stay with wulf while astrid goes off on her own? she wants to comfort him and tries to because she cares about him, but it seems that her conviction isn’t quite strong enough to be a steady base for someone else. and in the breakfast scene, we see that again, with her not openly going against it but still struggling with it in a way bren doesn’t.

bren, on the other hand, is consistently certain that they’re doing the right thing, even when it feels bad. caleb says as much himself when he first tells beau and nott his story: “i was so sure, i was so sure, until i wasn’t.” hearing his parents scream as they die is genuinely the first time he ever has doubts. until that moment, he’s sure. he trusts his mind and he trusts trent and he believes in their cause.

so when he sees wulf struggling with it, what does he do? he offers that certainty, reminds him of why they’re doing what they do, assures him that they’re doing the right thing and he doesn’t have to feel guilty. he’s their rock, the one wulf and astrid can trust to be sure even when their faith is shaken.

and that’s exactly what i think happens in the time between that breakfast and the night they kill their parents: bren sees wulf angry and totally lost trying to make sense of the massive gulf between what he remembers and what he knows to be true, he sees astrid confused and not able to put the pieces together, and he reassures them because he trusts his mind and so do they and he doesn’t want to see them struggle.

and i think astrid needs less convincing, but once she’s sure too and it’s only wulf that can’t accept it, that’s when he starts to think that maybe the unthinkable could really be true. bren is certain of what he remembers and astrid is certain that bren is right, so how can wulf, who trusts and relies on them so much for guidance, not at least entertain the idea that his parents really are traitors? how can he deny it and, in doing so, deny them?

that’s how he can ultimately go and do what he’s told, with such a stern and certain look on his face as he does. because his people were sure that it was the right thing to do, and no matter how strongly he feels that something must be wrong, he trusts them even more than he trusts himself.

that’s not to say that his doubts are completely quelled, though, because there’s still more of this thread that we can follow.

exhibit d: the aftermath

wulf’s move to knock bren out and save astrid is a quick and decisive one in the moment, but it’s clear that he isn’t at all sure if he did the right thing. he talks to trent — explaining himself, maybe even apologizing because he thinks he was wrong — and trent has to stop him and say that no, he was right.

this is significant for two reasons. the first and more obvious of the two is that this shows he’s still in a headspace of questioning what he’s doing almost immediately after doing it. that doubt was quelled long enough to allow him to complete the “exercise”, but not by any means gone for good.

the second, which i think is the most important to the person he ultimately becomes, is that this is the first time he’s had to look to trent for reassurance.

before this moment, it’s bren and astrid who comfort and reassure him. but now, bren is lost to them and astrid is in no shape to offer any comfort, much less give him the reassurance bren might have. and she might not want to do so even if she could — she wanted to save bren, not leave him behind, and may very well be angry at wulf for the choice he made. so what choice does he have, with neither of them able to support him, but to look to his mentor for reassurance?

and what happens once he gets that reassurance from trent? before, he doubted trent and even openly defied him, but can he continue to do that now?

if he wants to be able to live with himself after, to live with the choice he made and sleep at night, he has to believe that the reassurance trent offered him that night was right — he has to believe that trent’s judgment is right. if trent is lying or just wrong, that means he did the wrong thing that night, and where can he go from there?

that night is a turning point for wulf not just because he took his parents out of the picture, but because he made a decision that ended up forcing him to trust trent to an extent that he really didn’t before.

the new eadwulf

the wulf that we meet in campaign two as an adult is a far cry from the wulf who stood up at that table and said “no, they would never.” he comes across as largely apathetic to and even comfortable with the things they do — it’s just a job for him, not something to overthink or get hung up on. as far as he’s concerned, the lives they take are unfortunate but still necessary sacrifices, just like trent always said.

and if you ask me, his journey to becoming that person, to the doubt and the fire in him being all but completely stomped out, starts with the night he was forced to give up his one source of constant reassurance and finally put his trust in trent instead. everything we see him do to separate himself from his actions, from his belief in fate and his “good soldier” attitude to the drink he has ready after spending time with trent, stems from that moment. he is the way he is when we meet him not because he simply doesn’t care, but because he can no longer afford to.

caleb says they never wavered while he was with them, but i think it’s only because his vision was clouded by his own certainty that he never saw it. he just couldn’t believe that they might not believe in their cause as much as he did because it seemed so right to him, and how could he believe that the people he loved would doubt something so important?

but they did doubt it, especially wulf, and even as an adult, little bits of that stick around in him — he immediately gravitates toward caduceus after caduceus stands up to trent, and as soon as trent isn’t a threat anymore, he’s perfectly content to just stay with caleb (and probably would have if astrid hadn’t pulled him away when she did).

i think, if bren hadn’t been selected for the volstrucker program or just hadn’t been as confident as he was in all of it, it may very well have been eadwulf who found himself standing against trent in the end.

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