Re-Draw: 2014 V.S 2017
Okay, so back in 2014, I used to be proud of my art, but now I’m just like “it sucks so bad that I have to redraw it to make it better.” Ya know the feeling that you look at something old and cringe? Yrah, that’s what I was feeling.
Let us start.
Mewie 2014
Mewie 2017
Mewie, if I’m honest, was probably my first OC I ever created, even before Inuda and that was back in like 2010!
Now, onto the next:
Reia 2014
Reia 2017
That’s it for now, but looking at these, you can see progress. People say you can never make progress as an artist, that your just good or not, and they’re wrong. Three years made a BIG change for me, and look at where I am now! I’m just saying that if you think you can’t get better, don’t ever say that, because practice makes perfect.