Sometimes there is light, but the way you stand you are face with darkness. The first time I see someone with a old and frozen heart, is when my girlfriend wake out. "So don't judge me, you can't handle half of what I dealt with. There is a reason to do things I do. There's a reason I'm who I'm." Honestly, I didn't know how broke she was until he wanted to change. This is real quotes. "Some people act like they need you, because the want you. #message #inspiration #live #loving #life #loyaly #wonderful #wendy #mylove #myheart #lively #blessing #passion #beautiful #standing #lively 😍
Everyone and everything is very important, and life is too amazing not to enjoy it. In life, someone is always attacking you, stand your ground. I watch the animals attacking the bird, the way they're attacking me. I leave God to close this book. I don't chase after anyone. If it mean I need to work harder, I'll if that what it take. I know if it was to be, it'll be. Because the right people, the right one will come in your life and never leave. I know the road is rough but never give up on true love. #peace #passion #myheart #friendship #birds #animals #adorable #amazing #torontozoo #beautiful #blessing #true #trust #loyaly #honesty #life #living #fantastic #fabulous #startover #nature #message #movement #attacking 💚🔻💛
Be careful who you trust. Have faith in God, he work miracle when you need him the most. God prepared me when the devil try to destroyed me. He lift me up. It's like a blessing overflowing with all the good thing that have being happening to me. Both quotes are very powerful. Trust and have faith in God, he will heal you. Don't worry who hurt you, if they dig only one pit for you, they'll sure to fall in it. "Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but deceitful are the kisses of an enemy." God is love. So do you understand how proud I'm of my heart. Thank you Jesus. #faith #jesus #God #love #blessing #joy #happiness #miracle #life #living #amazing #appreciate #message #amazinglove #unconditionallove #loyaly #honesty #trust #passion #bestfriend #friendship #friends #uplifting #movement 🙏
"Trust sex and it will leave you confused. Trust relationship and they will leave you hurt. Trust money and it will leave you broke. Trust God and he will never let you down. #inspiration #trust #loyal #loyaly #honest #honesty #friendship #relationship #passion #sex #money #God #blessing #prayers #confused #broke #hurt #uplifting #life #light #spiritual #positive #leadership #success 🙏
I give up! It's better to stand alone than to stand with fake friends. No matter how much you try to help out, you look like the bad one. Just want you to know, you can fix yourself by hurting someone else. You'll never heal, karma is in your life forever. #trust #loyaly #honesty #cats #givingup #inspiration #joy #motivation#joy #funny #laughter #humour #love #relationship #friendship #karma #happiness #balance #animal #affection #message #advice 😻