“Rather than talk down to you and tell you what to believe,” he argued, Democrats should “listen to hard-working Americans.” [which does not include trans people who want their rights protected]
So here's what comes of holding election victories as the highest moral good: Why, it looks like there are more voters that want to crush minorities than there are minority voters. Funny how that works out. Perhaps, in order to continue the "harm reduction" we should be a little more flexible about who is a human being deserving of human rights. For heaven's sake, of course it's more important to [insert other issue here] than to make sure your "daughter" can participate in track and field like a real girl... or go to the bathroom... or get healthcare... or live. What do you mean some of you also have "sons"? Or... whatever that is. Please, their existence is of limited political value, stop confusing the issue. Look, we've already accepted that a certain amount of children are going to die to keep us in power, are you really that upset we want to roll the dice on yours?
By the numbers, the fascist/war criminal outreach didn't cause Republican voters to get right with centrism and ask for slightly less fascism/war crimes as a compromise. Nothing succeeds like excess! However, they have an explanation on deck for that, it's not new:
“They painted her as something I don’t think she is,” Rendell said. “They painted her as a far-left liberal.”
As always, there are Democrats pushing back from within the party, but courting fickle leftists who won't let you kill their child and blame the child posthumously just doesn't have wide appeal. The authoritarian lockstep voters won't hold politicians accountable! Please-please-please can't we have some more money for the claw machine, so we can try picking some of those up again? They'll help us win lots of elections! A half-fascist, half-nonfascist voter base would be philosophically ideal! Can't you all just get along? Come on, you all want cheaper groceries! It's a big tent!
"Who shall we alienate from their inalienable rights? Show of hands!" is not a winning situation for minorities of any kind. If we're doing trolley problems, we're going to pull the lever and aim for the less populated areas. And we'll congratulate ourselves on a job well done while wiping the blood off our hands.
(I suppose I should add that teaming up to form some kind of solidarity-based minority supermajority, if all we're going to do with it is pull the lever and mow down the people who've been mowing us down, would be kind of a lateral move. We really ought to stop the trolley, although I am seeing a lot of people who prioritize lever access.)
The way we count votes, assign representatives and allow ballot access is very good at muting the voices of the marginalized. All the little things, and a few big things, really add up. We're not going to vote it all better under the circumstances - we haven't done it in over 250 years, and, in fact, have put a lot of effort into making the stacked deck more subtle and entrenched. That's not what I asked for, but that's what I got. You too?
Democrats aren't the good guys. Supporting them unconditionally doesn't help them fight the "bad guys" it makes it easier for them to be bad guys too. Don't quiet down and fall in line, or if and when they ever win an election again, this is what you're gonna get.
But, in case this is all you're gonna get for the foreseeable future, team up and take care of each other. Draw outside the lines. Circle around the children like musk oxen and make a safe space. The school doesn't own sports - and, frankly, they might push your kids to permanently damage their health for trophies and funding. Hell, the school doesn't own education. There has to be someplace your kids can learn AND use the bathroom AND not get shot AND not be exposed to COVID on a regular basis. If you can't drag the school system there, what can you build as an alternative?
Same goes for every other institution under attack.