❤ Cherik Questionnaire Pt 2
Pick one or more numbers and hit me with Cherik asks!
And tag none or as many of your fellow Cherik people as you damn wish!
31: Why did you start to ship Cherik to begin with?
32: If you had to give the whole "Cherik ship" a headline - what would you call it?
33: Charles with or without hair?
34: What is your favorite personal Cherik fantasy, sexual or not?
35: Who would you rather share a cup of coffee with - Charles or Erik?
36: If you could only give Erik one piece of advice - what would it be?
37: If you could only give Charles one piece of advice - what would it be?
38: When someone says "Cherik" - what is your first thought?
39: What outfit does Charles prefer Erik in?
40: What outfit does Erik prefer Charles in?
41: If you had to Cherik an existing movie - which would it be?
42: Cherik fluff or Cherik angst - and why?
43: If Cherik was an 80'ies song - which would it be?
44: If Cherik was to have a threesome - who would it be with (No, not you)?
45: Finish the sentence without copying Erik: "Peace was never...."
46: What is your personal soundtrack for Cherik?
47: If Cherik was a cake - would you eat it?
48: What makes Cherik so damn sexy?
49: If you got stuck in an elevator with Cherik - how would you react?
50: If you had to design a Cherik sex toy - what would it be and what would you call it?
51: If Cherik had a "draw me like one of your French girls" scene - who would be the artist?
52: Charles walking or Charles in a wheelchair?
53: If Cherik was a lipstick - what color would it be?
54: Which Cherik scene is the most uplifting to you?
55: If you had a sex sandwich with Cherik - who would be positioned where?
56: If Charles proposed to Erik - how would he choose to do it?
57: If you could manufacture any type of Cherik fan merch - what would it be?
58: If Cherik formed a band - what would they be called (besides "Cherik")?
59: If Cherik was a band - what genre of music would they play?
60: For how long have you been shipping Cherik?
61: If Cherik was a musical - which would it be and why?
62: Your personal Cherik slogan?
63: If Cherik hosted a theme party - what theme would they go with?
64: Who is more likely to enjoy a tearjerker movie - Charles or Erik?
65: Where and how would Cherik hold their wedding?
66: What would Cherik's wedding vows be like?
67: If Cherik was a state of mind - how would you describe it?
68: Is your dedication to the Cherik ship waning - if so, why?
69: Where would Cherik go on their honeymoon?
70: Why are you STILL shipping Cherik?
GO AHEAD, dearies… Let the game begin once more and reblog the hell outta this!