wild might be the prettiest link, but maybe twilight is the most handsome link (lighthearted)
Yes yes I agree with you!! And I think Twilight is one of coolest Link
(meaningless posing)
@deeeeeeeer3 / deeeeeeeer3.tumblr.com
wild might be the prettiest link, but maybe twilight is the most handsome link (lighthearted)
Yes yes I agree with you!! And I think Twilight is one of coolest Link
(meaningless posing)
what are program is that you use?
Thank you for asking!
Is it about the drawing tool of previous post? Then, it's MagicalDraw. It names drawing chat, but there's no problem to use it by oneself.
(I usually use ibisPaint X or Procreate. I'm sorry if you asked about this)
I think my favorite thing about the way you draw warriors is how you give him blue nail polish... it's soooo cute and he looks so handsome and stylish with it!!! (I agree, he needs some fancy nails)
also hi it's me again!!!!!! I'm enjoying all the warriors art, thank you for drawing him <3
Thank you always, too!
It's one of the expression how Warriors cares his look, I think. I hope he was taught nail polish by Artemis(Zelda from HW), and does it to remember her during the adventure.
I really enjoy drawing him💙💙
(Today's nails are blue to pink gradient that means blue is Warriors, and pink is Artemis)
its just some speculation i've read from other fans! but if you haven't played i won't spoil for you. but thank you for answering my asks😘 💚💙wild is the most popular link so far especially for being so pretty, but i think conflict between the links would be really interesting to explore
I'm sorry my little knowledge...
Anyway, thank you too!!!!💚💙💚💙 I really enjoyed imagine, and I felt motivated to play more loz games!! I'll wait episode's update for now~
but, inversely, you can say that wild is jealous of warriors for having an "easy life"
I see... I've wonder about their relation since I read latest episode, but it maybe so complicated... It looks like Warriors thinks seriously than Wild (I'm curious what is Warriors for Wild)
i think warriors would be mad that wild's beauty rivals his
It's interesting that how is Warriors mad, and how does he think about what makes Wild beauty...
Thank you very much I was looking for drawing idea about them, your ask is very helpful!
I just want to pop in to say that your art is absolutely amazing!!!!!! It takes all my willpower to not re-blog every single post of yours since they're so cute.
I saw that Warriors is your favorite, and you draw him perfectly! It fits his personality, in a way. Honestly, you make the characters feel very lively in your art, I can't ever get enough of it.
Hope the rest of your day/evening/night goes well!
Thank you always to see my arts!!
Warriors is introduced as “the charmer of the group” and “keep a polished look”, then I tend to draw him beautiful(?) And, yes, I'm trying to draw characters more attractive!
Thanks to you I spent a good day💛
hello!!! i'm aware you're not that great with english so i hope you don't mind this ask
but, i just wanted to say that i ABSOLUTELY LOVEEEE your warriors drawings!!!! he looks so awesome and handsome in your art, i adore it sooo much.... he's my favorite link ever so seeing you give him so much love makes me very happy!!!
i hope you are doing soo well! much love <3
Don't worry! Thank you for your kindness💙
I'm relieved to hear my drawings look like handsome...☺️ I like Warriors the best, so I'll keep practicing to draw him more cool
I'm glad to make you happy!!!
I... I wish Iris another was a completely different existence from the original (and Colonel)…
Today's Zero
What happened to him