death2normalcy reblogged
death2normalcy reblogged
death2normalcy reblogged
"One of the most scariest things in life is when you come to the realization that the only thing that can save you is yourself.”
Source: leasmichelesarfati
death2normalcy reblogged
"My boobs kept popping out in yoga today but I was so zen I didn’t even give a fuck #blessed"
death2normalcy reblogged
Charlie Day
death2normalcy reblogged
8/- of Kogan
death2normalcy reblogged
I have a real issue with anyone trying to protect children from their own imaginations. If we cannot acknowledge that a lot of us have a bit of darkness within ourselves, some more than others perhaps, and bring it into the light and examine it and talk about this part of the human condition, then I think we will be living in quite a dangerous climate. I think that’s much more damaging for children.
J.K. Rowling on parents that forbid their children from reading Harry Potter (or any fantasy novel that they vaguely disagree with)
death2normalcy reblogged
Source: thistvd
death2normalcy reblogged
Chris Schellenger | Cycle 20
For: Made Eyewear
Photo: Jeff Forney