Take a deep breath. Everything will be alright. You will be okay. The sun will rise again and the flowers will start to bloom.
it's okay not to find your soulmate in your teens. it's okay to not have your first romantic relationship until you're an adult. it's okay to have never had sex or gone on a date. there's nothing abnormal about you. don't compare your relationships - or lack of - with anyone else's. we all go at the pace that's right for us.
i needed to hear this <3
As always, you will survive. Your heart will beat, your lungs will fill. Breath by breath, second by second, you will survive.
gentle reminder
unclench your jaw, drop your shoulders, take a deep breath in and breathe it out slowly - you are going to be okay, you don’t need to have it all figured out today, you are so strong for not giving up, you are not a problem and you are not something that needs to be fixed; you are loved, i promise, and you are absolutely never alone