URL Graphic for @bubblemish ❤
Nina H. (via faithlikebluebirds)
Caio Fernando Abreu. (via em-conflitos)
air (d.m.) for @mavencalore (via rhysaynd)
Leo Buscaglia (via ironhman)
Leo Tolstoy (via suestiel)
(via psych-facts)
Thoughts (via awkwarddly)
Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre (via subinie)
Neil Gaiman, Coraline (via wordsnquotes)
today my anthro professor said something kindof really beautiful:
"you all have a little bit of ‘I want to save the world’ in you, that’s why you’re here, in college. I want you to know that it’s okay if you only save one person, and it’s okay if that person is you"
Unknown (via erebores)
Sophia Dembling’s The Introvert’s Way (via inmilkwood)
My chemistry professor today, just out of the blue. I thought it was really apropos for all college-aged individuals. (via lesliepoehler)
(via ocehuns)