Dean is doing something weird.
Sam is supposed to be watching a movie, but the armchair he’s sitting in faces the couch, which means he can see Dean and Cas out of his periphery and the movie isn’t interesting enough to keep his attention from wandering over to where Dean has his hand in the air, moving his fingers in a steady pattern like he’s stroking someone’s hair.
“What are you doing?” Sam asks.
Dean moves his hand to his lips, one finger telling Sam to sh. In a whisper, he says, “Only way to put him to sleep.”
Sam blinks down to where Cas is tucked against Dean’s chest, arms crossed and face smashed under Dean’s arm, asleep.
Dean goes back to moving his hand through the air.
They expected, when Cas came back from the Empty, that he would be human or at least something close to human. Instead, Jack restored his grace completely, wings included. As Sam watches his brother, he wonders if Dean can see or feel the wings, if he can actually sift his fingers through the feathers to put Cas to sleep, or if, more likely, Dean has finally lost it.