@deadwife on Tumblr

and then i woke up

@deadwife /

my name is lizzi and i never know what to write here she/adult/maryland Ask | About | Twitter
Anonymous asked:

I’ve trained my dogs to expect their dental treats when I offer them “the body of Christ”. Is this heresy or blasphemy?

A rare occasion where it's both! Animals can't receive communion/experience the sacraments because they have no souls. Additionally, I am going to safely assume you aren't a priest, so you aren't allowed to perform transubstantiation. Additionally, the Eucharist cannot be made of dental treats. Finally this whole thing is making a huge mockery of one of the single most sacred acts in Catholicism. Well done!


I want your dad to become the pope


Yknow how people say they picture senshi and it helps them cook? I think I’m doing something wrong (DO NOT DO THIS)


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“Don’t like❤️ any gifsets, they put something in them, to make you queue up. I don’t even remember my last 40 posts.”

…They’re always reblogging but they never post… and the ones that do post…they never reply… you never see them follow… they’re always liking… no one ever queues but they’re always… they’re always reblogging but they never post…

Hey, reblog this post.

ˢᵒᴼᵒᴸᴬᵀ ʸʸʸʸʸʸᴮ! ᴴᴴʰᴴʰᴴᴴᴬᴬᴬᴬ! ᴳⁿᴺᴺᴺᴵᴺᴱᴾᴾᴬᴴ ᴱᴮ ᵀᴺᴬᵃᴬᶜ ˢᴵⁱⁱⁱᴴᵀ!!!!

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