It’s flex Friday again. Progress is in the consistency, you’ve got this Legion!
@davekatzdefensesquad /
It’s flex Friday again. Progress is in the consistency, you’ve got this Legion!
1•29•24 || I’m getting buff so that’s fun, but my final medical bill came in today and it’s actually $32k so it’s gonna take 158 years to pay off. Literally. My husband did the math. I cried but it’s actually kinda funny now.
9•20•23 || late night workout with mst3k on youtube pulled up. {the crawling hand}
This used to be much smaller on me but I’ve lost 20 pounds and will soon have to buy smaller clothes wtf. I’ve been an XXL or XXXL (comfort reasons) for a really long time. Yesterday I even went outside in just a sports bra bc 1) too lazy to find a shirt 2) too hot and 3) I’m way more comfortable showing my body now than ever before. It’s crazy how when I was about 170 ish as a young adult that I wasn’t comfortable as myself but now I’m back to that weight and identify as a proud bisexual nonbinary person so I’m more comfortable being myself. This thing has so much room in it lol
Sound ON!!
stuoidnmentlaheslth a all a tsuepid mental healthwalkbsrulidptbsbmenalhealthwalj stupid mental healfhsak stUPID MENTAL HEALTH WALK
5•31•23 || discovered that reading while using my elliptical helps me go further than music does. I just did 4 miles in an hour (level 12 resistance most of the time) and burned 368 calories.
5•23•23 || I jump up but bring myself down slowly so I’m doing a revised pull-up lol. Seems to still work!
I guess I’m in my dumb bitch era bc I keep forgetting I have to actually workout to continue staying healthy and to lose weight (healthily)
4•7•23 || 2 hour workout just for the fun of it