bold of you to assume Avatar isn't an important piece of literature you uncultured member of the species.
Nothing just ATLA boys smiling and blushing when someone mentions their girls 😩
and then there's Sokka with literal heart eyes too...
“ I was persistent.
When love is real, it finds a way.”
~Avatar Roku
"Some friendships are so strong, they can even transcend lifetimes."
~Avatar Roku (Book III: Fire)
Toph : “Do you really think friendships can last more than one lifetime?”
Aang : “I don't see why not.”
I want Uncle Iroh to yell at me and lecture me for once. I urgently need to take hold of my destiny and find myself😭
Just watched the Tales of Ba Sing Se for the 4th time thinking the 'conses won't quence' but they 'quenced' and Uncle Iroh still actually managed to make me cry. wtf ˙ᵕ˙
well if it isn't the quences of my conses
~Avatar The Last Airbender (Book II: Earth)
I just realised that all you have to do is watch Avatar: The Last Airbender to make you feel your life has meaning and it's beautiful and that you are loved.