"There is no prohibition for old hags to climb trees!" 😄🌳😊
~Astrid Lindgren
(Original: "Det står väl inget i Mose lag om att gamla käringar inte får klättra i träd!")
I absolutely love this! 😊💚
@darkness-holds-eternal-light / darkness-holds-eternal-light.tumblr.com
~Astrid Lindgren
(Original: "Det står väl inget i Mose lag om att gamla käringar inte får klättra i träd!")
I absolutely love this! 😊💚
I am so endlessly thankful for her and for her work. 🥰
~Astrid Lindgren
(Original: "Det står väl inget i Mose lag om att gamla käringar inte får klättra i träd!")
I absolutely love this! 😊💚
Hello 🤗 Parchment: Favourite Book? x
Hello! :)
Oh this ask has been so long ago, I'm embarrassed that it took so long. 🙈 Sorry!
I just wanted to give a response still. It's a bit of a difficult question actually. 🤔 For Christian reasons I would have to say 'The Bible' but that would not quite cover this topic, I also consider the Bible more to be my companion for advice, guidance and spiritual connection.
I haven't read novels in a long time. Which I notice I'm missing. 😧
Anyways when I think back and try to remember all the books that I've read so far, my favourites were the 'Harry Potter' books and 'Pippi Longstocking'. 😊
Thank you so much for this question and the patience for my answer. 😋
Stell dir vor du hast ein Haus, ein kunterbuntes Haus 🏠 ein Äffchen 🐒 und ein Pferd 🐴 ... Das wärs
Die schauen dort zum Fenster raus! ☺️
Pippi Langstrumpf ist toll! 😁💜
Villa Kunterbunt!!! 😄😍💖🌈
Oh how I love it! 🥰