The Place You Need to Reach (Loki/Reader Lullabies #238)
Fandom: Marvel/Avengers
Pairing: Loki/Reader
Category: Fluff. Fluff without plot.
Rating: G.
Summary: There’s just something about the way Loki touches you.
Warnings/Notes: No real plot to this one, just a series of vignettes about the way touch has changed over the course of your relationship!
New but Retroactive Reminder for this and all of my fics: I do not, have not, and will not give anyone permission to copy/paste, translate, or otherwise take or modify this story to post it anywhere else. You can find my stories here on Tumblr or under kaeorin on AO3, but nowhere else. This does not apply only to fics which hold this disclaimer--NONE of my works are to be stolen or modified. Additionally, please remember that Liking a post on Tumblr does not increase the author's exposure. I don't run your life, but readers should be reblogging the works they like.
The Place You Need to Reach
There was something about the way he touched you.
He held back for a long time. That wasn’t really a surprise. Loki had always kept to himself. Many of the Avengers did, but he was always especially closed-off. You’d always done your best to try to make him feel welcome, but you never really expected anything in return. It was like you were trying to make up for the neutral-to-chilly welcome he’d received from the rest of the team. For a long time—too long—the others saw no point in even trying to hide their distaste for the man. That made you uncomfortable. He didn’t want to be here any more than the others wanted him here, but it wasn’t like he had a choice. So you walked the line: You worked to be as warm and welcoming as you could be without overdoing it. It didn’t take a genius to know that he wasn’t used to kindness.
AAAAAAHAHAHAA SO FLUFFY I love starting my days with these