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@dariabel-jew Handmade jewelry RUS/ENG

All the little angels rise up, rise up...💔

Damn! Damn! Damn! Every year he forgot. Well, no. He never forgot. He just put the memories away, like old silverware that you didn’t want to tarnish. And every year they came back, sharp and sparkling, and stabbed him in the heart. And today, of all days…​

Night Watch. Terry Pratchett

Truth! Justice! Freedom! Reasonably Priced Love! And a Hard-Boiled Egg!

Terry Pratchett, Night Watch 

Pay tribute to the Glorious 25th of May and the boys of the Treacle Mine Road barricade with a hard-boiled egg!

25th of May

Lilac brooch. Tribute to the memory of Terry Pratchett 💔

Truth! Freedom! Justice! And a hard-boiled egg!

Terry Pratchett, Night Watch

“I mean, when a man reaches…a certain age,” he tried again, “he knows the world is never going to be perfect. He’s got used to it being a bit, a bit…” “Manky?” Nobby suggested. Tucked behind his ear, in the place usually reserved for his cigarette, was another wilting lilac flower.

Night watch. Terry Pratchett.



I'm 31 today.

This pictures were taken in January. I was so happy before the war.

Thanks to all my customers and followers for supporting 🙏 You are incredible!

Unfortunately I had to close my shop for a time cose of situation. And I can't take PayPal payments anymore.

But I don't stop working. I will make jewels and make posts. I hope, that soon I'll open my shop again.

I don't say goodbye.

Best wishes,

yours DariaBel 🌿

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