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Jason Todd's Panic Room

@dank-morpork /

Twilights | 45 and ADHD | Libertarian socialist | Progress, not revolution | Average finger guns enthusiast

I know this sounds like the deranged ramblings of a senile old man but I swear it used to be possible to look up information on the internet


👏 let 👏 people 👏 get 👏 sloppy 👏 on 👏 company 👏 time 👏


interesting how they didn’t share this instead where study show that productivity has actually increased, almost as if people tend to do their jobs more efficiently when they’re not miserable

And both can be true simultaneously…. My BiL was just telling me that he’s so far ahead on his quotas (and his whole unit is) that their manager keeps telling them to slow down a little so he spends like 3 hrs a day on video games and is still ahead.

The ways we could restructure our economy if we were willing to admit that working people to the bone is NOT the most efficient way to do things and isn’t good for people OR companies…


40 hour weeks are antiquated and abusive relics that no longer need to exist.


This Pride I hope that all of you never ever forget that no amount of sanitizing your sex life or sanding down of your LGBT edges will make bigots accept you. So, don’t debase yourself by capitulating an inch to them, especially in ways that throw your fellow community members under the bus.

You are a degenerate faggot in the eyes of bigots whether you’re wearing a nice button down and slacks with combed hair or leather daddy kink gear. So stand with the freaks who will stand with you until the end—long after the bigots have abandoned you despite your claims to be “one of the good ones.”


i want to attend a terry pratchett book club that includes at least one gen x or older british person because i feel like there must be so much brilliant stuff that is going right over my young american head

Probably! I'm still getting jokes on reread now, in my thirties. But if you don't have any gen X brits who are also Pterry fans close to hand, may I present to you L-space? It's quite an older site, built out of the old Usenet listservs, and it includes quite a lot of helpful metadata on everything Pratchett published.

In particular, L-Space contains the Annotated Pratchett File, being a repository of all the references anyone could suss out from about 1992 on, usually verified by asking Pterry himself if he'd meant to do that or not. There is also a set of annotations available in a crowd-sourced format through the Lspace Wiki.

Annotations make getting the jokes funnier and you get to learn more about the layers of meaning in the work, plus you can chase weird rabbit trails off them in your own time. I highly recommend anyone who enjoys Discworld and knowing stuff spend some quality time with one of the book annotations at some point.

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