In the classic Kratos appearance for a reward for completing Valhalla, they should've given us the Golden Fleece as an extra shield
If young Kratos spoke back in Valhalla
Kratos:"What can I say to you? I remember how it felt to take that throne. All that it meant. And all that it did not. A god of war… A god of pain. Of suffering. Of destruction. The Norns said I chase a redemption that I know I can never deserve. What does that make me? God of fools. A god of…"Hope. "When all else is lost." "You lost everything. And everyone. And you became… There is no forgiving you. You chose
Young Kratos:I chose nothing! I obeyed! I obeyed the King of Sparta! I obeyed Ares! I obeyed Olympus! And for my service I was betrayed at every turn! Monsters are not born! They are made! They made me what I am! What you were. But in the end, I chose to give Hope to the world. I chose to become you.
I feel like Valhalla should've had a Zeus, Athena or Ares boss fight in the greek section and young Kratos as the final boss fight. Missed opportunity.