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Daily Olivia Cooke

@dailyoliviacooke /

a blog dedicated to Olivia Cooke — tracking #dailyoliviacooke
Subtly coordinated—D’Arcy in a dark double-breasted suit and Cooke in a black strapless jumpsuit—they’re prone to fits of laughter, constantly finishing each other’s sentences and clearly delighted by their reunion.

"I've just seen the way you've handled all this with so much grace and kindness. You're so surprised, just when I think you're at capacity you find something really beautiful in a situation that gives you so much joy and energy that I'm just like, 'wow'." - OLIVIA COOKE

"It's funny how much I speak about you. I suppose when anything happens I just sort of crave to know how you're looking at it. And there aren't that many people in my life that I feel that about. You have such an unusual and brilliant and delightful way of seeing the world that I crave to know what you're seeing often." - EMMA D'ARCY

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