dailyizombie reblogged
Candy Baker + 1 gif per season
@dailyizombie / dailyizombie.tumblr.com
Candy Baker + 1 gif per season
iZOMBIE 3.11 "Conspiracy Weary"
izombie rewatch: Liv Moore (Brother, Can You Spare a Brain?, 1x02)
What's more meta than a zombie having a bad zombie dream?
izombie rewatch: Brother, Can You Spare a Brain? (1x02)
First rule of Brain Club, you don't talk about Brain Club.
izombie rewatch: Brother, Can You Spare a Brain? (1x02)
I'm not ready to go back to a world without that light. I want this feeling to last. I want to leave something more than impressive report cards to remember me by.
izombie rewatch: Brother, Can You Spare a Brain? (1x02) + title cards
There were parts of me that were dead even before I became a zombie; so, maybe, that means that it's possible for me to spring to life, even now that I'm dead.
tvarchive's tv appreciation week 2024 day one: favorite female character
izombie rewatch: Liv Moore (Pilot, 1x01)
I'm having a hard enough time pretending I'm alive, let alone throwing a performance as a psychic into my repertoire.
izombie rewatch: Liv Moore (Pilot, 1x01)
I can choose to be a decent person. I can choose to help find justice for a fellow dead girl.
My first murder case. I’m officially on my way.
I’m glad you got over your nerves about signing the lease.
I don’t know how many ‘Take Back the Night’ self-defense seminars they gave at your sorority house, but I could pretty much take out Batman with a spiral notebook and a student ID card.
“I almost let you die.” “Yeah, but you didn’t. Liv I’m fine. You saved me. All that sociopath swimming through your system, and you still found your way through. This brain It’s not who you are.”
These brains I’m on are the worst. My closest friend in the world, and I couldn’t even muster up an apology.