“Closing his eyes, Gansey leaned his head back on his seat, chin tilted up, throat green in the dash lights. There was still an unsafe sort of smile about his mouth — what a torment the possibility in that smile was — and he said, “There was never a time when that could’ve been you and me. You know the difference between us and Kavinsky? We matter.”
Look at your life right now! Look at your life!
HOLLAND RODEN as LYDIA MARTIN in TEEN WOLF (2011—2017) S03E19 “Letharia Vulpina”
Whenever I have something copied to my clipboard I can feel it. I feel the weight of it on my mouse
#Stranger Things season 4 is just Scooby-doo (2002) (insp)
if you're going to rejoin tumblr you first must go through
the perfume department
A very late submission for @zkmythicalcreaturesweek for the prompt 'celestial.' The idea was that, through a joint effort, Zuko and Katara did something in which their reward was a constellation being made in their likeness.
"I've decided! I'm going to quit being a dog and be a cat instead!"
♡ kyo & tohru ♡
The vibes tonight
I think about how I made this blog when I was a lonely weird 12 year old and now I’m nearly 25, sat on the sofa with the love of my life, still on tumblr
if you're feeling bored, do this little experiment and tag with your score! you link 10 words together that are as different as possible
Happy Zutara Week 2022, everyone!!
Here's my drawing for Day 3: Hands.
I love how expressive hands can be and all that a well-drawn hand can add to an image, but they are not always easy to draw! Of course, for Zutara, it is always worth the effort, yeah? <3
Anyway, hope you all enjoy! :)
calmtober day five - bake
calmtober by inspiredbykriksis on IG
♪ I’m a hex girl, and I’m gonna put a spell on you! ♪ SCOOBY DOO AND THE WITCH’S GHOST (1999)