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cyborg-cinderella reblogged
6 favorite pics: john krasinski (asked by silversickle)
Source: potterised
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cyborg-cinderella reblogged
Interviewer: Two weeks ago, Emma Watson revealed that she had a huge crush on you, during the first movies. Have you ever felt the same for someone in the series?
Tom Felton: No, not really, no. I mean, it was very sweet when I heard about it, yeah, this was a long time ago. No, I never really had a…other than Rupert. Rupert’s a very good looking guy. And obviously, who doesn’t have a crush on Rupert? Um, but other than that not really, to be honest with you.
Source: lumosthennox
cyborg-cinderella reblogged
Tom Felton, ‘Remember Me’ Premiere (2010)
cyborg-cinderella reblogged
Q: Do you remember your audition for the part?
Tom: Vividly. It was open audition for all of the country, I must have been the only child out 20,000 that had no idea what Harry Potter was which made it very hard, ‘cause at the audition they were asking all the children which scene they were looking forward to from the book to come to the film. They got to about two boys away from me when I realized that I didn’t have an answer for them, so the guy next to me said something about Gringotts and goblins, and I was, like, “Yeah, those Gringotts sound awesome!” The director saw right through me.
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Top Six Photos → Elle Fanning (asked by dreamcullen)
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(by Hatake_Tata)
Source: Flickr / taynahcastro
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Renesmee was real and I knew her. She was the same one I’d fought for from the beginning. My little nudger, the one who loved me from the inside, too. Half Edward, perfect and lovely. And half me – which, surprisingly, made her better rather than detracting. I’d been right all along. She was worth the fight.