Some ShiftFell Gold ideas / facts :
- Chara's nickname will be "Cocoa", her favorite drink being hot cocoa with either whipped cream, or marshmallows. She loves any kind of sweet made with chocolate.
- Asriel's nickname will be "Whiskey", he favorite type of whiskeys are the one with butterscotch flavor.
- Whiskey's secret hobby is to LARP. This interest grew up since Cocoa's arrival. (I'll make short comics to explain)
- Cocoa's theme name is A.S.D. (A Satan in Disguise, also a play of word from Autism Spectrum Disorder)
- Cocoa is confirmed Aspie. She is semi-verbal and communicates through notes. She only mumbles quietly to people she trusts a lot. She has a communication disorder due to extreme anxiety.
- Cocoa can leave funny doodles on notes. Mainly flowers, and =) emotes.
- When stressed out / scolded / scared, instead of crying, she may oftenly smile in a typical Chara way. ( =) )
- She is mostly Inexpressive and genuinely smiles rarely.
- Her specific interest is flowers. It came naturally, since she has a strong plant magic. She also plays video games a lot, especially rhythm games, since she loves music.
- Music can calm her down, she also hums a lot when alone only, or near her brother.
- She's too smart and mature contrary to appearances.
- Whiskey's scarf was a gift from Cocoa. (Dunno if I'll keep it a scarf, or bandana-)
- Whiskey is very calm, confident in his own strenght, and very socially capable. All the contrary of Cocoa who has social phobia and is easily scared, and has very low self-esteem / confidence.
- They both are terrific when pissed : even though Whiskey smiles all the time, he would totally bite anyone out of the blue if anyone pisses him off / mishandles his sister.
- Cocoa gets very emotional when distressed : she can experience meltdowns very oftenly, and if so, she may become very agressive / violent.
- Whiskey is "The mighty Devil that will make the Royal Guard glorious !". Also known as "Archfiend of Creation / Hyperlife".
- SFG Asgore is a mad scientist. He is a pyromaniac, and obessed by creating robots with huge fire power. He didn't hesitate to turn some monsters into machines, or heavily burn a lot of them.
These are the only ones I could think of yet, I need to finish the second page of ASOT before doing more researches about StoryShift and find ideas for my AU !