Ghost Adventures Missed Apparition
The popular show Ghost Adventures has been responsible for documenting groundbreaking paranormal evidence since their documentary aired in 2004. The investigators pride themselves on capturing damning evidence of the paranormal, but sometimes eagle eyed fans see something that the crew may have missed. During their investigation of the Palmer House Hotel, Zak, Nick and Aaron held an EVP session on the location’s second floor. The team begins to experience a large quantity of unexplained activity, including lead investigator Zak Bagans being scratched.
During this hotbed of activity, viewers of the show claim that the crew captured a full bodied apparition and didn’t even know it. While reviewing an EVP, an apparition can be seen standing in the doorway behind Zak. While it does look like the shape of a person it hasn’t been confirmed if this is official paranormal evidence or not. While many viewers think that this a full bodied apparition, it could be nothing more than some debris or other obstructions. Do you agree with the viewers? What do you think it is?