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Or maybe not.

ARP 273

Sin querer queriendo Aprendí a reconocer su rostro en las estrellas Tracé con su sonrisa constelaciones Aprendí que la luz de supernovas lejanas comparte el brillo de sus ojos Vi como en mis manos su cabello se transformó en nebulosas supe que algunas tardes ella y yo somos nebulosas Sin querer queriendo no la hice mi norte sino cada punto cardinal del horizonte Descubrí que cuando no la veo culpa de otras luces mas brillantes ella sigue allí en cada fragmento del inmenso cielo oculta tras cada matiz de azul En mi catálogo estelar entre centenares de millares ella sigue siendo mi galaxia anular polar o quizás también aquella página perdida del atlas peculiar Cuando se tocan nuestras manos no soy tan insignificante en el vasto espacio sideral Viéndola escapó de mi la soledad eterna de los hombres Entendí el misterio de engranajes del complejo universo en su inteligencia incoherente comprobé la relatividad en el tiempo de nuestros abrazos La convertí en cada deseo dejado por una estrella fugaz y sé que algún día de nuestros besos nacerán nuevos universos Sin querer queriendo me enamoré mirando al cielo.


So, I'm deeply sorry for all the spam I just made with my pictures. I didn't have time to edit and upload them before. Last picture of today: the setting I used to achieve yesterday's photo. A black shirt as background, and an USB LED light since I still don't have a flash, and my desk since, well, I don't have a tripod either. Photography is not only about capturing reality but also creating it. OK, lo siento mucho por todo el Spam que he hecho hoy con mis fotos, pero no había tenido tiempo de editarlas y subirlas. La última foto por hoy: el setting que utilicé para lograr la fotografía de ayer. Una franela negra como fondo, una lamparita LED porque aún no tengo un flash y mi escritorio porque bueno, aquí no tengo trípode. La fotografía no es solo sobre capturar la realidad, sino también sobre crearla.

"I wanted the movie to look as naturalistic as possible. We did not use movie lights. It’s all light bulbs. All the lights that you see in the set are the lights that are lighting the scene. These cameras allow us to do that because the dynamic range of the camera was able to capture the light bulb and the face of the actor without clipping. There is one scene where we used probably a 20K. It was outside a window in the stage to create the impression of daylight, but all the other lights are just lamps and practicals. Lighting each scene was the most difficult trick. That is because, for instance, the light that is lighting Michael at his makeup mirror will create a shadow a minute later if we move around the room. So we had to time all of the lighting changes, making sure you don’t see shadows. We were moving lights; we were moving diffusions. There were grips moving with me. Every time you see a shot, there were eight people moving with me. It was like a ballet — that’s what made it truly exciting." Emmanuel Lubezki on the cinematography of Birdman

Jerry N. Uelsmann (American 1930-)

Although a contemporary photographer, Jerry N. Uelsmann’s artistry and talent lie in his traditionalism. A leader in photomontage, the process of joining two images together to make a new photograph, Uselmann introduces his work in black and white with a metaphysical interpretation. 

Up until the mid twentieth century, the main purpose of photography was to record history prompting Uelsmann’s work to be initially negatively critiqued. Eventually Uelsmann’s marriage between the organic and artificial became widely love and recognized for its uniqueness. His work is created by fabricating composite photographs with various negatives and extensive darkroom work. Featuring familiar places with untorhodox elements, such as eyes on walls, windows on trees or shrubbery on the artificial, Uelsmann’s technique has remained untouched by technology and digital art. 

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