Hypothetical stupid parody scenario.
So, I do assume Manwe’s job actually involves like. You know. Working a lot. I mean, Silm never goes into much detail about what he does as the Elder King and all, but governmental jobs are normally quite tough, especially if you give a damn or have people around who make sure that you do.
So it would be kind of a hilarious situation if, you know, Melkor just whines around enough about wanting to be the king and like. Sure. Here is this stuff, that stuff, other stuff, some more stuff, some visitors, some papers, those are due tomorrow, this today, but have fun, Tulkas is around to show you the ropes, bye.
Like. I bet from Melkor it can get a reaction of “okay, I don’t want that anymore, I wanted the cool title, not filling papers about elven divorces and listening to birds gossip. And what do mean Feanor is here to compain again and I absolutely can’t just kill him and hide the body???”, but for how long he would be going on sheer spite and pride?
What would Manwe do in the meanwhile? I have no clue. Hopefully just have some deserved self-care time together with Varda. My man needs a break.