[Image description: 6 gifs (of the building and enjoyment of a crafted fairy playhouse); from left to right.
First line: A gif of someone placing crafted mushrooms around the base of a large fairy playhouse (the video jumpcuts between each mushroom placement). A gif of dried leaves being dropped over a crafted mushroom. And a gif of three crafted mushrooms being covered with dried leaves.
Second line: A gif of someone sitting inside the large fairy playhouse and covering their knees with a blanket, the inside of the fairy house is lit with a yellowish light and outside of the fairy house crafted mushrooms of different sizes are clustered around. A gif jumpcutting between a close-up of little mushrooms on the doorway of the fairy house, and a close-up gif of the person writing in a notebook with a teddy bear beside them. And a gif jumpcutting between the person turning off the fairy house light and then them laying back with their teddy bear and covering themselves with the blanket.
End of image description.]