@cryptic-forge on Tumblr

creatures creatures!

@cryptic-forge /

lil guys of all shapes. all dolls made from scratch by me unless otherwise stated. COMMISSION INFO & KO-FI PAGE

a rare doll of my own oc, because veryl is an uncharacteristically flashy oc.

he's the character i played on my first round of dragon age veilguard, though his personality didn't really end up working with the dialogue options of rook. i can, however, headcanon.

i sculpted him from screenshot references & didn't use any actual game models. the tattoos are almost directly from the game with small modifications, while the outfit is my own design, with a silhouette based on the lords of fortune casual outfit.


made a doll of my partner's oc again! this is actually based on a monster high custom they made, so there are some lagoona vibes in the face sculpt, and the anatomy is also leaning in that direction, though less spindly. i designed her demon arm & the outfit, and the character & her original design belong to @posnakkel.


This is the prompt list for the Look Back Challenge 2025! See this Post if you want to know more about the Challenge and it's Rules.

You do not need to use the prompt list to participate, but if you'd like ideas, this list is here for you!

  1. Introduce your newest toy to the one you've had longest.
  2. What is your oldest toy? (Chronologically)
  3. A toy you love, but rarely, if ever, photograph.
  4. Do you still have any toys from your childhood?
  5. Any buying regrets?
  6. Any you're thinking of getting rid of?
  7. A toy you like, but don't want any more of that type/line/style.
  8. One that came to you at a special time in your life.
  9. A toy that was gifted to you.
  10. What is your sibling's (or bestie's) favorite of your collection?
  11. Which one would your friends/family guess if your favorite?
  12. What would your followers guess is your favorite?
  13. Show your favorite toy.
  14. Valentine's Day
  15. Have you ever made a custom?
  16. Do you have any customs made by someone else?
  17. Most interesting or unusual toy.
  18. Have any cool accessories?
  19. Do you have any playsets?
  20. Ever keep any packaging or other bits not part of the toy itself?
  21. Do you have any non-toy merch related to a toy line? (Shirts etc.)
  22. Favorite color scheme.
  23. Least favorite color scheme.
  24. Most expensive toy.
  25. Most sought after toy.
  26. What line/type of toy do you own the most of?
  27. Toy that surprised you.
  28. Any toy you regretted letting go of?

Thank you to everyone who suggested ideas for prompts! You all helped me so much in putting this list together, and I really appreciate it. I hope everyone has fun!

i'm thinking of participating in this & making a dent into my stash of never-before-photographed dolls. i have a bunch of new projects in progress, and another bunch of ideas i want to get started on, but i feel like i'm rushing for absolutely no purpose and even less benefit. so shifting my focus to touching up and sharing older dolls for a month sounds fun. i will use some of the prompts, and either have days off or just post random old things on days where the prompt isn't really applicable because i'm not really a collector.

thanks for putting together this challenge!


Please I beg you can I use these designs for my D&D campaign?? They're so so good


i've been asked this a few times, so here's a blanket permission: my doll designs are free real estate to use in personal tabletop games. do link my blog to your players if they seem interested in the creatures they meet.

[i feel like i'm underutilizing them myself; my current campaign is set in the feywild, and i've used like 1,5 dolls in it, when i could just plop a new creature on the table every time the party meets an npc. my next campaign is going to be a somewhat grimdark space affair, but maybe i'll find a place to sneak some dolls in.]


a while ago, partner & i went stick hunting for various projects and found a somewhat dragonish pine branch -> Stick Dragon Time!

all bark, sticks and lichen are natural materials, mostly unaltered except for some light drybrushing. the head and legs are 3d printed, and painted to match the wood. the whole noodle is about 1,5 meters long, and will reside on the living room wall. making this was the most fun i've had with a project in some time; there is a healing power to sitting on the bathroom floor for hours glueing scraps of wood together.


throwback monday, because i snapped a few photos of an old mh custom, made around three years ago. this one is a combination of an abbey head, a venus body, and a jellyfish toy i bought from a second-hand seller at a convention. i also picked up a random cheap anime figurine just to get the sword. the clothes are a mix of repurposed monster high and selfmade.


i've been making a lot of cute little creachers lately, so i wanted to sculpt something more mature & intricate. i was going to print this one in blue & green, but at the last moment my brain went "print the whole thing in beige and paint it pastel, trust me bro" and i think it was a good call. she is lacking back flippers because i just genuinely forgot about them, and didn't want to print an entire new shell and let this one go to waste. if i make more as commissions or such, i'll add the back pair.

also, i actually got some natural light to take pictures in, and oh. right. photography doesn't need to be a struggle when the sun cooperates.


Hi! I love your work! What did you use to make your little Christmas ornament animals? I've got a little experience with air dry clay but I've never made something with it that looks so professional and like something made with "real clay" as it were. Your lil guys could easily pass as ceramic to me!

Thanks in advance if you happen to answer, and have a lovely week!


hey & thanks!

the ornaments are 3d prints, but there's no reason one couldn't achieve the same result with clay. after printing, i primed them with a couple of layers of wood glue, which is the ultimate lazy primer because it's somewhat self-leveling and easy to apply. this probably wouldn't be necessary with clay, since i mostly did it to cover up layer lines. after priming i painted the ornaments & used some stickers for patterns. the final touch was two layers of acrylic 3d varnish. it is thicker than regular varnish, and self-leveling, so it's pretty easy to use for a ceramic-like surface.


some friends have a few of my dolls on display in their craft room and i love how they have been dressed & styled. it's cool to see another person building on top of my work. all clothes are made by my friend.


Your dolls are absolutely GORGEOUS. I've been wanting to get into creating printed dolls myself, and while the sculpting and printing step seem pretty straightforward, I'm struggling to understand the joint shapes, connections, and stringing systems. Do you have any specific guides or recommended creators from when you were just getting started?


unfortunately i haven't used any guides, so there's nothing i can recommend.

BUT here is a very rudimentary post i've made about stringing dolls, and this one talks a little bit about joints. i'm happy to elaborate on both topics if you have specific questions.

if you have access to a 3d printer, you could also download some free bjd models from thingiverse, print them, and examine the joints. it's also good practice for evaluating what works and what doesn't, because some models are pretty good and others extremely janky.


I really love all the the things you create. Thank you for sharing them.


i'm gonna say something sappy and self-congratulary, but it comes from the heart.

sharing art on tumblr this past year-and-a-little-more has been super rewarding and fun. before this, i created for years without putting most of it online, so it's nice to know my motivation for art is entirely internal; i would make it even if nobody saw.

but also, posting genuinely gives me a sense of purpose. because people keep tagging and sharing the fact that they've been inspired, or started projects of their own. my art doesn't have a profound, penetrating message; it is pretty trinkets. but it makes me happy that the pretty trinkets can still improve lives by inspiring people to have fun with making pretty trinkets of their own. so that is why i love posting my stuff.


2024 Tumblr Top 10

saw a couple of these on my dash & had to try. thanks y’all for the notes this year, and an extra shoutout to every tag that was either “i want to be this” or “i want to fuck this”. i know a doll is good when it has one of each.

happy new year!

Anonymous asked:

Have you ever thought of making videos? It would be sooo cool to see the progress of your creations!

i have, but there are a couple of problems stopping me. the biggest issue is light. i'm very sensitive to bright lights, and i don't think i could work in a space well-lit enough to get good video footage. my workflow is also not really video-friendly; i have multiple projects running concurrently, and sometimes leave a project resting for anything between days and years when the vibes aren't right. this means my desk is always completely cluttered. i tend to clear a small area in the middle to squeeze my current task in there, and then six minutes later i switch to working on something else. trying to sanitize/organize my process to look half-decent on video would be enough effort & planning to distract me from just having fun with creating, and at that point the reason for doing art at all gets lost.

and yet, sometimes i look at craft youtubers with longing.


and now for something completely different.

this one is two old projects mashed together. i originally made the ruby pool bust stand a few years ago for a different head, and this head was supposed to be a part of a 1/3 doll of my oc. neither project ended up happening, but that is actually good; these pieces work much better together. this project predates me learning to sculpt digitally, so for now, it's a complete one of a kind, made of worbla, air-dry clay and some sticks. i would love to digitize the head & do something more with it, though.


fighting art block with silly little projects like this Teapot Animal, sipping from your cup. i finally got to experiment with gold leaf on a bjd & that was a lot of fun.

Thank you to EVERYONE who tagged me in this and sent it to me. @cryptic-forge , when I tag this as “horrible things with legs,” please understand that this is a tag of 10+ years standing and many fans, and is therefore meant not as criticism, but the highest honour that I can bestow. By placing it under the mantle of this tag I am enshrining it forever as a symbol of the highest artistic achievement and motivations. You have crafted a horrible thing with legs of such appeal that all of tumblr roared for its accurate representation and curation.

I HAVE BEEN WONDERING why you were being tagged in this post approximately once an hour. i will receive the badge of honor with joy; "a horrible thing with legs" is definitely one of the vibes i was going for with this creature.

Anonymous asked:

i had a quick question for you regarding things like wings on a doll. what do you think the maximum number of wings that can be put on a doll while still having it be functional is?

for a specific example, like, four sets of wings - would the size of the wings just need to be reduced, or would they need to be an entirely different material, or are they impossible to really achieve outside of something like fabric accessories that are separate from the doll?

thanks for your time !

i don't think there's a maximum; where there's a will, there's a way. anatomy alterations might be required if you need a lot of wings, but that's the fun of it when making unusual dolls. i'm currently working on a doll with a long body and 5-10 pairs of wings, depending on what ends up looking good.

some things to consider might be:

  • balance. a lot of wings on one side of the body will cause issues. that might be okay; just decide whether you want to balance the wing positioning/switch to a lighter material for independent standing, or make/buy a stand for the doll and always have it supported.
  • socket real estate. the wing root ball joints are often holding quite a lot of weight for a single joint. making them bigger helps the wings hold positions, but if you're putting a lot of wings close together and want all of them to be poseable individually, you might run out of space for the sockets. this could be circumvented by editing the body, or making wing groups instead of having every wing be a separate part.
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