8 Ball- What situation was your OC lucky to escape from or get out of? What or who helped them unexpectedly?
oh, there was plenty! For example the time when Veronica helped Charlie to survive rage of the very angry changeling boy!~
The Dragon, Glinda's then-husband and jailer, talked young changeling Troy into attacking Charlie. He knew that one of the changelings died/fell asleep, and he pointed on Charlie. He didn't know for sure, he just wanted to get rid of pesky vampire who keeps on texting his prisoner.
But Charlie really blamed himself for the death of this changeling. Long story short-little changeling ( Jean-Luc ) was kidnapped by a fomori, and aged form 8 to 60 years old. He escaped but started to go crazy. Charlie and Veronica tried to figure out how to help and return time to the poor changeling.We ended up killing fomori and making a deal with technocrats, who agreed to return the time to the boy in exchange for the fomori's heart. Charlie could stop everyone from dealing with technocrats, but he didn't. They gave him pills that should've returned boy's time. And Charlie gave them to Jean-Luc. They worked, yes, but the changeling in boy fell asleep. Charlie should've know better that technocrats sees changelings as an illness that should be cured. They did help the boy. They freed the human from his changeling self. And Charlie helped them. He will always blame himself.
Well, let's get back to Troy. He came to the hospital Charlie and Veronica worked in. Charlie tried to dominate the boy away, but failed. Then he wanted to talk to him, but in the moment Veronica Charlie and Troy entered an empty room, Troy attacked Charlie and pierced Charlie's chest and almost killed him in one (!) hit. 7 damage of 8 hit points! And he said...
You will die, dead man!
I was very very scared as a player but Charlie...Laughed. It was hilarious for him, you will die, dead man!
Charlie would die in this moment, but Verconica stopped the boy and Troy agreed to let Charlie live, for now. But he had to come to the changeling court in 7 days, and be judged for killing Jean-Luc. The rest of the story.. I think I described the court several times by now haha.
Later in the game Charlie helped to return Troy's chimera, mr. Soft Paw (the plush bear) to life, spending the last changeling healing he had on him. And Troy became good friend for Monica and Joshua (her werewolf bf) so we keeps on seeing him from time to time. He is a very strong little changeling, Charlie respects him and happy thatMonica has such a loyal friends.