My sister gets her hair cut in the backyard. After various suggestions of "leaving my house" with the photographs, this is a good start for me. I was wary to begin photographing my family outside of my house solely because of the foreign nature of it. The amount of activity and level of chaos that exists within my house almost creates a sense of uneasiness in leaving it. All the while, this same chaos that proves interesting also creates a level of claustrophobia. I've been torn with the idea of leaving my house primarily due to the idea of the family being such a personal entity, and that families are ALWAYS a complete alteration of themselves when they are not in their own familiar environment. After toying with this idea, I've also acknowledged that the environment surrounding my house is equally as important as the environment inside of my house, and is as equally as intimate and personal. Therefore, I've been trying to find a way to work the idea of really exploring the environment outside of my house, all while preserving the integrity of the quality of intimacy that exists in the environment that I have been exploring.