Airbrush experimentations. I recently picked up an airbrush and I enjoyed it! Even though I m still at that awkward experimental phase where I'm tinkering with mixtures for the paint and air flow levels.
Nerf Hammerstrike "Recovered Revolver" This peace maker has a history behind it, but thats not for me to discover. My job is to only sell the things. Not try and figure out what each obscure knick and etching means. However, this order was a strange one. The customer wanted me to recover this six shooter as opposed to getting him a new one. Its been clawed up, chewed on, scratched, knicked and I had to compleatly clean out and rework the fireing mechinesm. I guess that if this ratty old firearm was worth the heafty sum I charged the guy. It better be pretty special.
A quick order.
Nerf “Work Horse” Brainsaw Now, if you think the wrench and circular saw bandit gun was an odd mix. Wait til you see what I found in the abandoned farm down the way! You know the one with all of the meat hooks just strewn about the place? Filled to the brim with broken generators? Well, thats beside the point. Back to this loot! I can only describe this weapon as a horrific amalgamation of a shotgun, chainsaw and a screwdriver. The shots fired from this gun are... Lack luster. It guzzles gas. And it seems to make... Odd noises when you pick it up. Its almost as if something is whispering in my ear as I hold this thing. Oh well, I bet that this is just my imagination. Or a gimped gasket. I will probably have to tinker with this thing some more to see if I can increase it's performance before I try to sell it.
Nerf Hammershot "Void Revolver" This customer wanted something a bit more powerful then what I typically had in stock. He mentioned something about a gun that some faceless vampire gunslinger out in old world Georgia made. Something about it being a Rifle of Oblivion... Well, I didn't have the know how or the parts to make a full blown rifle. Let alone one that would bring about gloom and doom to it's victims. But I certainly had more then enough revolver parts laying around to cobble together something that would put a drugged out bandit in the dirt.
You know what will make this thing better?
Nerf Strongarm "Patched Up" I have been getting a few of these crudely patched up guns lately. Apparently duct tape and hammered on metal scraps are solid means of repair. I would personaly scrap the overly damaged parts for... Relitivly new parts. But thats just me...
Nerf Slingfire "Damaged Goods" I have NO idea what that wasteland wanderer was thinking when they tried to sell me this gun. Its covered in blood. The bandit who previously owned this gun did a sloppy job with the decal work on the butt of the gun. Its scuffed up, I heard rattling when I shook the gun, and there was a gaping hole in the side that was patched up with tiny scraps of metal with rivits hammered in to secure it! So I did the honorable thing and did what any merchaet would do when presented with worthless crap or questline items. Take it for only one cap... Or Credit... Or whatever we are using for money now a days.
Nerf Longshot: "Shot in the Dark" Remember that revolver that I found with that strange rune scratched on it? Well I found the same rune on another gun! After talking to a few of my nuttier customers I discovered that rune apparently relates to destruction. The warrior apparently needs to even smear the rune with their own blood to activate it's magical effects. Not sure how sanitary it is... But if it lands me a few sales. Who am I to judge! Its not like we are uptight about sanitation these days.
Suit's Special Lawbringer, "Tough Customer" Now, I may not be the wilyest gun runner in the wastes. I stumble into traps. I let bandits get the drop on me. Sometimes I even let my mutated curly eared attack mutant off of her leash. Forcing me to wander through dark and dangerous buildings at night. Heck, I even offer a few too many discounts. But I am not nieave enough to think all of my customers are gonna be happy go lucky, sunny smilely, reasonable people. Thats why I have this modified Lawbringer. In the off chance my attack mutant is off crawling around some decrepit dungon and some disgruntled merc with a chip on his sholder starts waving my own product at my face. I whip out this peacemaker and I make the situation MUCH more peaceful. More often then not I get some pretty decent stock out of these high stress negotiations too! ((This is a personal mod of my current primary. I typicaly pair this gun up with a Riot Sheild or a Melee weapon. So the front loader is a bit more practical with my loadout. Needless to say I take more of a support role as opposed to the no nonsense rifelman archtype.))
Nerf Crosscut "Cutter" Well, this is a unique piece boys and girls! I have absolutely no idea how some mad man managed to throw a wrench, a circular saw, scraps from a chainsaw and a crude pipe pistol together into ONE insane mix and some how manage to get it working. But here it is! I hesitate to even call this a side arm due to how bulky it is. Its too short to be a proper Melee weapon and its far from a primary due to the fact that it only holds two shots. Only a mad man or some kinda soulless, jibbering monster who is only relying on shock value, speed and an indifference to getting their face blown off by a battle hardened veteran would use this thing!
On sale now!
Oddly enough, I was commisioned to make these as a wedding gift!