Nerf “Work Horse” Brainsaw Now, if you think the wrench and circular saw bandit gun was an odd mix. Wait til you see what I found in the abandoned farm down the way! You know the one with all of the meat hooks just strewn about the place? Filled to the brim with broken generators? Well, thats beside the point. Back to this loot! I can only describe this weapon as a horrific amalgamation of a shotgun, chainsaw and a screwdriver. The shots fired from this gun are... Lack luster. It guzzles gas. And it seems to make... Odd noises when you pick it up. Its almost as if something is whispering in my ear as I hold this thing. Oh well, I bet that this is just my imagination. Or a gimped gasket. I will probably have to tinker with this thing some more to see if I can increase it's performance before I try to sell it.