the term “edgelord” implies the existence of an entire hierarchical structure of edgenobility. there ought to be like, edgedukes and edgeviscounts running around. edgesquires. edgecomtessas.
Historically, the distinction between a count and a marquis is that a marquis’ domain lies at the border of the kingdom, and is thus more likely to be attacked by hostile forces. This position of elevated trust is why a marquis traditionally outranks a count.
Now, the domain of a marquis is called a “march”, derived from the Old French marche (”border, boundary”), and ultimately from the Proto-Indo-European mereg, which translates as… “edge”.
A marquis, then, is a literal edge-lord; i.e., lord of an “edge”, or border domain.
We must therefore conclude that an edgemarquis is twice as edgy as other edgelords.
good lord.