@corrieguards on Tumblr

𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞

@corrieguards /

Ezzie - she/her - 18 - star wars nerd, tcw lover, fan fic writer. Don't be shy! I promise I'm a nice person Masterlist // join my tag-list // Ao3

i did a clone fic rec list a while ago, but i thought that a second edition to that would be a nice thing to add to my clone-uary event. i still have some requests that i'm working through from it, but it was great to go back through my old reblogged recs and work through some of the stuff that's been sitting in my "marked for later" for an embarrassingly long time 😂

the link to the fic itself is from whatever platform i read the work on! clone names and fic names are in alphabetical order, and if an ao3 author did not mention a tumblr username on their profile or in the notes of their fic i didn't tag anyone.


  • a ☀️ means the link is for tumblr
  • a 🌙 means the link is for ao3
  • a 💫 means the fic was a gift for me in a @cloneficgiftexchange event (as my previous rec list pre-dates the first exchange!)

So honored to be amongst all these great writers!!

Thanks for the mention Ghost 🫶🫶


Commander Wolffe Headcanons

A special thank you to Molly (@starstofillmydream) for the inspiration (check out part one of her Cody headcanons) and long conversations that produced this.

Warning: My opinions. All of these are my opinions and are not shared as being omnipotently accurate or the only way to view Wolffe. We know very little about Wolffe’s personality from canon and much of his character is up to interpretation. This is simply how I perceive him. If you disagree with some or all, that’s okay. You can smile and wave while you maturely pass on by. Also, explicit NSFW material.

Minors, DNI.



Yes to all of these, love it🫠🤌


Just a lil fyi for anyone who's sent in a fic request and I've never answered; I promise I will get round to them.

I'm tryna get back into my writing groove and I'm working on a couple right now, so hopefully we should be expecting some to be posted soon.

I haven't forgotten, I promise 🫶

Anonymous asked:

Hello if you still do request.

Could you do a Wrecker and Female reader and the reader is scared of thunder storms and wrecker protect her from them and gives her lula to cuddle.

I'm a wrecker simp.

hi! this is similar to another fic i've already written for wrecker (with nightmares instead of thunderstorms), so i think i'm going to pass on this request for now, i apologize!


Hey Ghost!! Sorry, not tryna take over your post here but, I do actually have a fic exactly like anon described in my masterlist in case they're interested😌🩷


Warm Me Through

Captain Rex x reader

Summary: If this cold and miserable planet has taught Rex anything, it's that he's most definitely more warm blooded. The fact that you seem to have taken a liking to his new armour makes the cold slightly easier to endure though.
Word Count: 1k
C/W: absolutely none
A/N: Guess who's back from the fucking dead lmao. This one's short and sweet, just some good old tooth rotting fluff with our favourite boi🩵
my masterlist


i’m so so excited and happy to see that you’re back! and what a bang to return with! well, less of a bang, more of a soothing coat of sighs.

genuinely, a had the dopiest smile on my face while reading this. seeing rex so flustered and struck by the reader’s disposition and the banter had me ‼️ ughhh this was great.

hope you’re doing well friend 🤍

Nour my dear!! Thank you <33

Rex fluff always hits different imo. Just something about him melts me through🫠🫠 Very glad I could do his charm justice and bring it to life a little 🩵


Hi all! I am going to be selling my collectibles because, what's the point? I need the $. I have some interviews, but bills amirite? Anyhow, here is a few below. If interested, let me know, I don't know $, but I'm desperate, so money is money at this point. I just need to be able to "live"

You can also send $, PayPal @JenniferBartscht or Cash app $PeachyGal19

but I'll gladly just take reblogs. The more the merrier, seriously.

Gotta keep trying. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Hi everyone !! The time has come, unfortunately, for me to create a ko-fi.

For those of you who don’t know, it’s been a rough year and a half-ish for me with a lot of unexpected expenses and unnecessary stressors on top of struggling to find a job in this really shitty job market.

The link to my Ko-Fi is here.

Any little bit helps. For now this is just a little fund and way to support me. No pressure whatsoever. Just trying to find a way to make money on the side while I pay down bills.

I will be making a commissions sheet and hopefully opening that up to all of you on here very, very soon.

For now, thank you to all of you from the absolute bottom of my heart and soul for keeping my spirits high and really keeping me going at a hard time for me.


Warm Me Through

Captain Rex x reader

Summary: If this cold and miserable planet has taught Rex anything, it's that he's most definitely more warm blooded. The fact that you seem to have taken a liking to his new armour makes the cold slightly easier to endure though.
Word Count: 1k
C/W: absolutely none
A/N: Guess who's back from the fucking dead lmao. This one's short and sweet, just some good old tooth rotting fluff with our favourite boi🩵
my masterlist

EZZIE!! Welcome back!! 🥰🥰 this is so sweet, and Rex is definitely a cutie whether he admits it or not.

Erin babes, I've missed you🥹🩵

Rex is and always will be a cutie, no debate there (he's also a hottie but that's a whole different subject👀)

Glad you enjoyed it, and thank you again for all the support you've given me, love ya!! <33


Warm Me Through

Captain Rex x reader

Summary: If this cold and miserable planet has taught Rex anything, it's that he's most definitely more warm blooded. The fact that you seem to have taken a liking to his new armour makes the cold slightly easier to endure though.
Word Count: 1k
C/W: absolutely none
A/N: Guess who's back from the fucking dead lmao. This one's short and sweet, just some good old tooth rotting fluff with our favourite boi🩵
my masterlist

I was giggling just as hard as reader in this :D What a cute lil bit of Rex-flavored fluff!!

All I have to say is, if you were giggling just from reading it, I think you can already imagine the state I was in while writing it🤭

Glad you liked it Beth!!🩵🩵


Warm Me Through

Captain Rex x reader

Summary: If this cold and miserable planet has taught Rex anything, it's that he's most definitely more warm blooded. The fact that you seem to have taken a liking to his new armour makes the cold slightly easier to endure though.
Word Count: 1k
C/W: absolutely none
A/N: Guess who's back from the fucking dead lmao. This one's short and sweet, just some good old tooth rotting fluff with our favourite boi🩵
my masterlist

Mini update on me rn in case y'all were wondering if I was still alive lmao

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