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♥️ Ranking Richonne

#7: How'd I Get So Lucky Finding You (S9E01)

Imagine feeling lucky in a fallen world. 🥹 Losing so much and still feeling like you won because you found the ultimate love of your life. 😭 It’s beautiful and powerful that Richonne’s love is so strong that it has them feeling fortunate even after enduring a series of unfortunate events. And in this stunning scene, we get to see so much of why Rick and Michonne have an everlasting love. This scene is an absolutely heartwarming delight and it features my favorite thing Rick has ever said to Michonne in TWD 😍...


Did you kiss someone else ?

Andy being falsely offended and Danai being genuinely embarrassed is my favorite part of this whole TOWL promotion. 😂

This is so representative of their dynamic in their interviews since Danai joined twd. We know the respect they show for each other but my favorite part has always been how much they love to tease each other (especially Andy).

Danai telling to Andy "you're so silly" say it all😆 👸🏾🤴

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