when a guy walks past you and you catch a whiff of their cologne
This guy got so high he astral projected into April 2020
#165 Timothée Chalamet (requested)
i don know shit yall!!!! im jus out here
SBE - stupid bitch energy
FINALLY some representativity
Hey, how was school? Fine. Were people nice? No. Did you make any friends? Yes.
Mean Girls (2004) dir. Mark Waters
unmute this
ignoring men is self care
My life is just a constant journey to seek warmth. No metaphor. I mean like coats and jackets. Getting under the sheets and standing under heat lamps. Soup.
i had a dream where tornadoes were made illegal or something i just remember like a dozen police cars driving directly toward a tornado with their sirens on and all getting sucked into the tornado
why is this so fucking funny