You're reading Roman history and sometimes someone will talk about freedom of speech or separation of powers or election integrity or land reform in terms which are just shockingly modern, like literally could have been written yesterday, and then you remember that outside of political philosophy this is a brutal expansionist slave state where even the free peasants had little real power and *then* you realize why the Founding Fathers vibed with Rome as much as they did
Pronounce Saxophone like Persephone, I dare you
I like this post.
some soothsayer changed the hollywood sign again???
hey girl sorry um. we stabbed your boyfriend in the senate house. yeah a seer told him to beware the ides of march but he didn't listen. brutus and cassius got him. i'm so sorry
In ancient Greece, women couldn’t ride piggyback the way we do today because they wore long dresses. So they had a form of piggyback that was essentially side-saddle!
^Women Playing. Greek, Early Hellenistic Period, about 300 B.C. PLACE OF MANUFACTURE: Corinth
^Girls playing: found at Brauron. (Athenians sent little girls, 5-13 years old, to spend a year at the shrine of Artemis at Brauron, serving Artemis. People called the girls arktoi, meaning little bears. The girls danced and ran races, which must have been a nice change from being home.) [source]
^ Ephedrismos Group, late 4th century BCE. Terracotta, thought to be Attic. Silenus and Maenad, hybrid creatures from Dionysus’ entourage in Greek mythology, are shown playing Ephedrismos. The older satyr is giving a piggy-back ride to a girl wearing a wreath of leaves and baring one breast. The aim of this game, highly popular in Antiquity, was to hit a stone on the ground with a pebble or a ball. The loser had to then carry the winner on their back and knock over the stone while the winner covers their eyes. It is this “penalty” that is most often depicted. When a satyr is depicted playing this specific game, it is thought the artwork is referring to the theatre of Antiquity. [Also, this image suggests the Maenad won the last game. :) ] [source]
The Ancient Theatre of Epidaurus (4th century BC), Argolis, Greece
This Day in History:
On September 7th Quintus Postumius asked Aulus Attius if I could fuck him (in the ass).
CIL IV.8805
good morning tumblrini it is fuck him in the ass wednesday once again
[cicero voice] caesar's new sumptuary law sucks because now everyone serves vegetables at dinner parties and i had to eat weird mushrooms which made me shit myself
Do you have enough love in your heart To go and get your hands dirty? It isn’t that much, but it’s a good start So go and get your hands dirty
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currently experiencing a problem where whenever I read the word “Troad” I pronounce it in my head like “toad” then picture a massive toad that carries the city of Troy on its back
Just in case anyone was unclear what I meant
I hate it when I talk wistfully about the ancient world and then people are like “you wouldn’t survive back then” yeah obviously I would die immediately but do you think achilles would be able to survive in the modern world if he had to send one polite email? no
aeneas and achilles are both very much Already Dead in (at least some of) their respective epics but aeneas gets steadily less human the more dead he is and achilles is doing the opposite. most human when he's in the pseudo-underworld with a corpse.
wishing everybody a buon ferragosto but in an ancient roman way not in a fascist holiday way. let's rest from agricultural labor by attending horse races and putting flower wreaths on donkeys and oxen to thank them for their service. but don't let the augustan propaganda get you
reject modernity embrace tradition
“I wish ancient people preserved their writing and artifacts better” I write in electronic signals on a piece of hardware that can’t retain its efficacy for more than a few decades.
Time to laser-print my entire blog on titanium plates and bury them underground.
brb etching my one-star yelp review of the sheet metal supplier that sold us shitty copper on a granite slab
This is random but I couldn't think of a better person to share this little anecdote with than you; so basically it was my first year of high-school and our teacher was explaining what Ovid's Metamorphoses were and this guy who hadn't payed any attention at all was confused and didn't understand neither who Ovid was nor what his Metamorphosis were so the teacher tried to explain to him various times what they were and for some reason he just...didn't get it?? So after the third explenation all he said was "So basically....Ovid is a god?"
He had understood that this Ovid dude would undergo metamorphosis and therefore was a god
i’m DYING SDKJFHSDFJH anon i can’t thank you enough for this anecdote it really made my day
Yall think the gods take classics classes for fun
Professor: whys your drawing look like that lol artemis would be paler
Apollo, twin sister to Artemis, has seen her at least once a week for 4,000 years:
professor: ares is the god of war and is evil.
Professor: Hades is the god of the underworld and is therefore evil and cold and heartless
Persephone, who has seen her husband cry secret tears of Manly Anguish every time she has to go live with her mother for six months:
Professor: Not even the crack of dawn was safe from Zeus. Zeus:
Professor: *says literally anything about Dionysius*
This is great but are we not gonna talk about how OP doesn’t have a url?!?!?
I mean, ????????????