#actually mentally ill – @commonzinnia on Tumblr

very unwell


bpd vent everyone is welcome :) just dont be an ass or weirdo creep 💛 block dont report!! guys im not gonna kms i promise and i always keep my promises dms are open, not looking for friends. im scared of people i'll respond maybe reblog dont repost. thanks

chat im chill now. was having a terrible time and remembered a box cutter in an art kit i had. it wasn’t sharp enough so i struggled to snap it because my hands were shaking too much :/ when i finally got it the bitch still wasn’t sharp enough???? so i gave up with that and grabbed a pencil sharpener but i couldnt get it open because the shavings fucking jammed it??? so i just went damn, this shit silly fr im tired laid down ate a snack and smelled some lavender.

anyways that was my loser moment today how’re yall doin?

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