#peter quill – @commandersass on Tumblr

Avengers Assemble

@commandersass /

SEMIHIATUS while I work through a large number of rl issues.Mikki, ENFJ, 28, and this is my personal and fandom blog. I make gifs of my favorites and reblog from a wide variety but mostly Avengers and especially Captain America. This blog is occassionally nsfw. I have a lot of squishes on celebrities...

My favorite thing about gotg was how Peter overcame his grief and turned into a goofball. We first saw him mourning over his loss and then abducted by an alien spacecraft. Imagine the terror and despair he had to go through…but next scene he’s dancing wild and enjoying the little things in life. And I think it sends a very meaningful message to the kids out there who have lost their parents. It tells them ”yes there are hard times and you’ll feel lost and lonely, but everything will turn out okay in the end.”


and i think it’s gonna be a long, long time ‘til touchdown brings me ‘round again to find…

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