A long overdue post
Gosh, this feels strange... I’m writing a post and I’ve basically not been on here for 3 years. So, what is this? Am I doing a little comeback? Well... I don’t know. At least I wanted to come back to this blog which was so influential to me a few years ago.
In all this time I’ve never lost my love for Tanz der Vampire. The fandom has probably changed since my absence, and the people that I reguarly used to speak to within the community have also faded from my online life. I quit updating CoffinTanz when a lot was going on in my life. Then the pandemic rolled around and the musical came to a halt. And so my blog came to a halt.
Here I am, why? Because next month I’m going to see Tanz again. I feel this sense of nostalgia and excitement over seeing the show again and I wanted to share that with my hundreds of followers. The last time I saw the show was in October 2019, it has been such a long time and honestly, I feel like seeing Tanz is the best way to celebrate leaving the pandemic behind (at least that’s the case in western Europe) and look forward to a time when most things are possible again.
I’m not saying that I’m going to be as active as I was in my heydays, but I do hope to put some passion back into CoffinTanz. It just feels right to share the joy I feel about Tanz with other people.